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Re-direction Problem. My site keeps re-directing

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I have a parked domain, subzer0.net.  But I also have subzero.trap17.com.  There is nothing in my managed re-directs, etc.  I go to http://www.subzer0.net/ and every time I click a link, it ALWAYS re-directs to subzero.trap17.com!  Try it.  Go to http://www.subzer0.net/ then click the links.  It re-directs all the time.


Did you change the url set in the link's code?

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Can somebody PLEASE help me? This has been here for over 2 days and nobody has even attempted to help. :-/ Not that I mean to sound like a baby, it's just that I don't know how to fix this and it keeps re-directing which annoys me because it makes me feel like purchasing a domain was just a waste of money.

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We need more information.Try providing us with what's in your root .htaccess file.What are the steps you've taken so far?What are your cPanel redirect settings?

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i think i am the man you are searching , mike. i have got the same problem before. when you use http://yourname.net/boards/ then it direct you to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you must use http://yourname.net/boards/ then it will solute it. ( it just a "/" added in the end) the Admin of the Xisto has answered me the question of mine . the bug can not been soluted .. it's just a bug! we can do nothing to it. so just modify your code.. if you have more problem abt it. just PM me. I think the question answerd .. the thread 'd closed.

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