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Is There God, Why We Are Here

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To answer the title, I am not religious, so I don't speculate about if there is a higher-power or not. We are what we appear to be, so I accept others opinions and ideas regardless of what I think. In my opinion, there is no "God" per say, but if there is, I haven't seen any evidence of it. Life is what we make it, and I'd rather make things happen than be passive about false ideas.

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I believe in God.  Our purpose in life is a test to see whether we are worthy of receiving eternal life.  To live a good life all we have to do is follow our conscience and live our life to the best we can.






That is the truth my friend, Life is like a test/interview to the real LIFE.


Know one gives you job, without inteview or test. LIFE is like that test, SOME PEOLE MAY say why should I believe god , cuz I have not seen prove .


But if god came to all of as , and said "here I'm " it would not be a faith anymore.

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But if god came to all of  as , and said  "here I'm " it would not be a faith anymore.


How very arbitrary. You're implying that faith is somehow better than knowledge. I think you rely too much on the semantic value of the word "faith". It has positive connotations, and yet it is defined by the absence of evidence. Faith is not a personal strength, it is foolishness.


To say that a god does not reveal itself because it wants its believers to believe without evidence is a childish solution to the obvious question of "If there is a god, then why is there no proof?" If the god insists on faith alone, then how do we ever hear about the god in the first place? Surely the god must have revealed itself to someone in unequivocal form, thus providing definite proof to at least one person. Is it fair that some people have proof, and the rest of us must use faith alone? Isn't it more likely that those few people who "witnessed" god are perhaps... I don't know... making it up?


Whether or not any of the major religions accurately describe the spiritual realm is a foregone conclusion (except those which do not mention gods). Clearly, popular human conceptions of god are utterly flawed. I'm not saying that gods do not exist. But if they do, they certainly don't act the way humans portay them.

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Yes There Is A God Many People That Don't Believe Say That The World Was Always Here, But They Have To Think The Had To Be A Time Be Where Time Began.And The Can't Answer That Question Because Anything They Say Will Make Them Look Stupid.The Bible Is Translated In So Many Languages Because Many Belivers Dont Speak The Prginal Languages Which Were Hebrew And Greek, Just Like Many Of Use Cannot Understand That Language And Pretty Much None Of Us Could Coulod Understand The Original Scriptures Of The John Series (John,IJohn,IIJohn,IIIJohn), Because He Wrote The Series In A Language That Only True Believers Of Our Lord And God Jesuus Christ Could Understand.Many People Want To Know HOw Did The Many Languages Come About, Well I Can Answer It. When The Sinful People Tried To Build A Tower That Could Reach The Gates Of Heaven, God Stopped The Work By Changing All If Thiier Languages So That They Could Not Understand Each Other.Many People Say That "Why Doesn't The Holy Bible Talk About The Dinosaurs" I Can Answer That. They Didn't Want To Talk About The People Eaten By Them,They Might GiveA Brief Scripture Inm The Book "The Lost Books Of Eden" Which Are The Lost Books Of The Old Testement.Many People Say "Well, How Did Abraham Bring Forth All These, Races, If He Olny Had One Wife" I Can Answer That. Back In Those Time Havin More Than One Wife Was Usual And And Abraham Had Nine Wives Of Different Races And There Are Nine Major Races The Rest Cam Fourth By Interacial Sex.The Reason We Are Here Is To Give Him All The Praise And The Glory But We As Humans Got It All Mixed And Twisted..Because We Are Not Perfect, So God Had To Send His Son Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ To Die And Preach To Use So That We Might Just See The Gates Of Heaven." The Road Is Long But Narrow" There Are Documentations Od Jesus Christ Dying On The Cross. The World Will Be Ended At A Time That Is Uknow To Us But Know To God\, At That Time Angels And Humans Will Be Judged, Those Who Didn't Live And Praise Jesus Christ Will Be Sent To The Lake OF Fire Which Is Hell, And There Will Be A New Earth And A New HeaveN(New Heaven Will Be Called NEW JERUSALEM), Sometime You Fell There Is Nothing That Can Stop You That Is The Spirt Of GOD Trying To Get To You If You Are A Non Believer, That Voice In You Head That Speaks Of Good And The Good Things The Will Happen That Is The Spirit Of God Strenghtning You, Gving You The Power To Overcome All Your Obstacles, That Copme In Your Way, Now If You Messin' UP God Might Shake Your Life Up But Its Only To Bring You Up And Bring Your Sprit In God Up, These False Teaching That You Might Here Everyday Might Get To You But Think About The Word Of GOD Think Aboiut The Time s He Has Brougt You Through And Delivered You Through Evil, And You Shall Overcome....Sorry Aout The Double Post But I Forgot To Put This In:Maybe GOD Deosn't Reveal Himself To You Because You Are Not Worthy And He Does Reveal Himself, When Or If You Make It To The Gates Of Heaven You WIll See OUR LORD AND GOD JESUS CHRIST, You Think It As You Helth That Brought You Out Of That Car Accedent Or That Fall That You See People Get Killed By Everyday, NO Thats GOD Showing His Mercy Against You, Givinng You Another Day Becasue He Loves You, Andd Becasue You Are His Child, That Voice You Hear Telling You The Battle Isn't Yours When You Fell Out Or When Your Sleep Or WHen You Daydream, We All Have Greatness In Our Futures But Since Some Of US Dont Acccept Jesus Christ We Cannot Recive That Greatness And He Continues To Bless Us Evn Those Who Dont Believe In Him And His Son....( At This Time I Am Touched By The Holy Spirit)

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Why do you capitalize every word? Your posts look like really long Christian rock album titles.

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To Gunbound:

You are right, God doesn't punish you for not believing in Him. He punishes you for your evils which go against the perfectly just Law He has created with which to judge the universe. Think of an accountant's 'T' tables with debits and credits. Our debts or evil deeds will always outweigh our good deeds so that we are exempt from any rewards and instead subject to punishments, this is the case for every person on this planet. With Christ it's a matter of the debts falling on Him so that the debt side has "Paid In Full" written on it and the only thing left for the table is the rewards side.


To no9t9:

The defining mark of Christians, or Christ's disciples, is their love for others.


John 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.


Romans 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

In other words, you can know someone is Christ's disciple if they love, and thus do not hurt others. Please give me some reasons why you think those which committed wars and past atrocities were Christians.


To Clagnol:

If Evolution is so carefully formed out of given facts, then answer me one thing. Why does it directly contradict the Law of Biogenesis which says all life must come from life? You're saying Evolution is so carefully created and so wonderfully supported but it contradicts one of the few scientific laws... :unsure:


To Shoobi:

Depending on the version, it says here God is not the author of confusion, or of chaos. Also, evolution relies on long periods of time to form anything. But in Genesis on the 3rd day the sun and moon are created and the period of light which is called the morning and the period of darkness which is called the night is said to be the 3rd day... So after that 4th day when plants, animals, and people were created you're looking at a 72 hour time span in which they could all be created, nothing more.


1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

To adriantc:

Suffering is in the world because of mankind's disobedience to God, God came to die in our place so that whoever trusts in His payment to save them might be a part of the world to come which will be perfect and without suffering.


To midnightvamp:

One thing that you're missing out on is that God isn't the one who made us evil, God is not the author of sin. God made us perfect to live in a perfect relationship with Him and when we willingly rebelled against Him and walked away from that relationship we brought sin and its punishments, including death, into this world. God out of mercy for us not only did not destroy us as a failed creation but did what He could to redeem us from His perfect justice, but if we continue to rebel even against His mercy then there is no hope left us, and we must suffer the penalties for our rebellion ourselves.


To C2C:

Yes, faith is involved.

But simply faith that there is one God is not the saving faith which Paul speaks about, but the faith James speaks about which even the devils have, and is dead without works. And since we can never be justified by works it is not enough.


James 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

To jose_a1:

Science guesses at how we were created. The Bible tells how we were created. It tells us what is right, what is wrong, what the problem is, and how to fix it and get in a right relationship with God.


To ejohn:

Read this carefully and tell me what you think the Bible says about blind faith:


Acts 17:11  These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

To rvalkass:

God has told us about His existence, people just don't listen and seek after Him. One aspect of Him people rarely notice is His artistic nature, He built this universe an artistic masterpiece which in itself should be enough evidence to convince people of what kind of person He is. He then left us the Bible, divinely inspired by Him, it has been protected for thousands of years by the most long-lived nation on the face of the planet and the mere fact of Israel's existence after all its enemies and times it's been conquered is another testimony to God. Some of the greatest poetry in the world is in the Bible, some of the greatest wisdom and philosophy about life is in the Bible, and historical facts and knowledge within the Bible have made it reliable for archaeologists and historians as a reference tool. Oh God has told us about His existence, and if we seek we'll find, the people who haven't found truth are the ones who've never truly sought after it.


To cumar11:

God did come and say "here I am" and millions if not billions of people now have followed Him wholeheartedly to face persecution and trials of all kinds for His sake. That single event of His coming has done exactly what He said it would, it has drawn all men unto Him and left it's imprint on the very face of history. We judge our system of keeping time based on that moment when He first came, THAT is how important it was. Christ said to Thomas, "be not faithless but believing", He presented marvelous evidences to people, miracles, casting out demons, wisdom and knowledge shocking in their scope to the leaders of a nation who specialized in knowing such things, and then He rose from the dead despite soldiers from the greatest empire the world has ever known trying to stop it, even though the Roman Law had death as the penalty for a soldier who failed to protect their post. The Roman legions which guarded Christ's tomb were part of one of the greatest fighting forces of all time and death was their penalty if they failed... For all that though many people still refused to believe in Christ. What I'm saying is that even if you lived in the time of Christ there might still be no evidence great enough to convince you. People want to see miracles and sure evidence yet others were seen such and still didn't believe. Here is the key:


Luke 16:29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.

30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.

31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

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From Wikipedia:

There is in fact not a "law of biogenesis" in this context at all. It was made up by Creationists to support their own point of view. This is simply due to the fact that a law has to be supported by evidence, and so far there is no evidence that would indicate that no life can arise from nonliving matter. Amino acids have been produced in experiments such as the Miller-Urey experiment and in similar experiments which suggest that life may not have been as "impossible" as some Creationists would like to believe.

It is commonly accepted that viruses are not alive, for the sole reason that they are unable to reproduce without their hosts.


Scientists have successfully created viruses. Although, viruses are much simpler than those organisms which are classified as "living", I see it as only a matter of time before microbiologists are able to create prokaryotes.


Abiogenesis doesn't negate the possibility of deities. It just proves that they are not necessary for the existence of life.

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Well. I believe in the evolution theory and sort of the part of god making us. But I mean what about the big bang. Yes it could have some how created us. But where did all the matter come from. Who or what created it so that it could blow up and create life and everything else. Things don't just apear out of no where and cause these things to happen. And we are here for a reason. Why? I don't know. But there is a reason. And if God exists than where did he come from and so on. Everything had to start some where but I dunno. And people say the Universe goes on forever. Well, Its pretty hard to imagine. But if it didn't and was a sphere or cube and had an end. What would be beyond it. What would happen if we went into space and went down or up. Would we reach heaven? Would we go to hell? Or would we continue to fly until the shuttle ran out of fuel? Thats what I want to know is where everything came from exactly and the answer to the universe. But we will never know until we die. We will know where we go, if we go any where, and what happens after we die. We might start a new life. We may be there and not even think or exist and not go to heaven or hell and not be anything existant except a dead corpse who has nothing. Nothing at all. Or there could be a heaven and we could go there if we were good and if we were bad we would go to hell. Well who knows. No one except the dead people. And we won't until we die.

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Well. I believe in the evolution theory and sort of the part of god making us. But I mean what about the big bang. Yes it could have some how created us. But where did all the matter come from. Who or what created it so that it could blow up and create life and everything else. Things don't just apear out of no where and cause these things to happen. And we are here for a reason. Why? I don't know. But there is a reason. And if God exists than where did he come from and so on. Everything had to start some where but I dunno. And people say the Universe goes on forever. Well, Its pretty hard to imagine. But if it didn't and was a sphere or cube and had an end. What would be beyond it. What would happen if we went into space and went down or up. Would we reach heaven? Would we go to hell? Or would we continue to fly until the shuttle ran out of fuel? Thats what I want to know is where everything came from exactly and the answer to the universe. But we will never know until we die. We will know where we go, if we go any where, and what happens after we die. We might start a new life. We may be there and not even think or exist and not go to heaven or hell and not be anything existant except a dead corpse who has nothing. Nothing at all. Or there could be a heaven and we could go there if we were good and if we were bad we would go to hell. Well who knows. No one except the dead people. And we won't until we die.


That's one of the things about the Big Bang Theory, it's an attempt to say everything could could come from nothing, but ultimately you have to start from something. It starts supposedly with some "primeval atom" but where does the atom come from? You keep taking it further and further back and ultimately you are believing "in the beginning,..." something. There has to be that starting point, that trigger, and ultimately it simply comes down to what you believe existed first, in the beginning, what you call "God."

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"god" i havent met the person or should i say the spirit but one thingsfor sure he was here thousads of years ago and i am sure he's coming back,y not leave all the questions till then.so untill his inevitable return, TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THINE HEART AND LEAN NOT TO THINE OWN UNDERSTANDING IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL DIRECT YOUR PATHS.

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"god" i havent met the person or should i say the spirit but one thingsfor sure he was here thousads of years ago and i am sure he's coming back,y not leave all the questions till then.so untill his inevitable return, TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL THINE HEART AND LEAN NOT TO THINE OWN UNDERSTANDING IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL DIRECT YOUR PATHS.


Which god, kwapster? Tell me which one, and provide a modicum of evidence to support your choice, and I'll trust in your lord. Hell, I'll be relieved.

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That's one of the things about the Big Bang Theory, it's an attempt to say everything could could come from nothing, but ultimately you have to start from something.  It starts supposedly with some "primeval atom" but where does the atom come from?  You keep taking it further and further back and ultimately you are believing "in the beginning,..." something.  There has to be that starting point, that trigger, and ultimately it simply comes down to what you believe existed first, in the beginning, what you call "God."


and where did god come from than?


another question has been bothering me, what if there was nothing, nothing existed, no one, just nothing, what would it look like? would it even look like anything, what will happen?

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GOD does exist...

I pledge my belief to one and the only one GOD of Moses, GOD of Jewish, GOD of Jesus, GOD of Christian, GOD of Mohammed, GOD

of Moselim... and probably many more ancient civilizations that we dont really have the knowledge about...


GOD exists differently from HIS creations. It is unfair to judge GOD attributes to what human posesses. GOD's love, GOD's

knowledge, GOD's mind and other attributes of HIM are unique and differs from ours. Otherwise, GOD is no difference from humans and therefore there is no significant value that can separate the Creator and the Creatures.


You might easily be able to understand these;

-GOD is the creator of heaven, hell and earth.

-GOD is the creator of human, animal, and plants.


You might not be able to understand this easily;

-GOD is the creator of Time.

-GOD is creator of Space.

-GOD is everywhere, but no where.


The human knowledge might not be able to grasp the truth of GOD. That's why GOD delivered scriptures as the guidance for human being.


It is also really important to know that GOD knowledge supress every dimension, time and space.


"People who read the scripture with bad attention(such as searching for its mistake) will not be able to understand what's been written".


Read all the scriptures with open heart and you will find the truth.


Consider this; human mind is still very limited. Sometime, we will need the heart to understand GOD, not using the mind. There are many "Unsolved Mysteries" those are still uncracked in this world. That's the prove that human minds are bounded to limitations.


and where did god come from than?


another question has been bothering me, what if there was nothing, nothing existed, no one, just nothing, what would it look like? would it even look like anything, what will happen?


Truely, this is really confusing. Just as to say that the universe was created from nothing in the Big Bang theory. Actually, GOD has no bound of time. HE existed before TIME exist, and HE will never cease to existance. HE was,is and will. As said before, we cannot understand this because our mind is limited. Just to say as robots are bounded to logic, the human is bounded to their minds.


Try to search for the book titled "The Power Of Now" and try to understand what's been said about GOD. It is really nice.


Some say religions tends to separate humans. Why? Because of the lack of human understanding of their religions, egoism and greed that lead them to war with each other. Their religion has different names, brought by different messangers, born to different people at different times. Then, that lead them to believe that these religions are not from the same source. What they didnt know is that their GOD is actually the same GOD of others.


"We gave you eyes, hear and mind. It is your responsibility to use it wisely".

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and where did god come from than?


another question has been bothering me, what if there was nothing, nothing existed, no one, just nothing, what would it look like? would it even look like anything, what will happen?


I'm just pointing out that ultimately you have to believe something or someone always existed. If there was never anything how could anything ever exist? Nothing would mean there could never be anything since there would be nothing to make anything with.

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