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Installing A Forum..

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Did you try Fantastico in your cPanel? Fantastico has a lot of cool forums or discussion boards such as Invision Power Board (the one like Xisto), and phpBB. You can install them all with a click! -_-

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What forum are you installing? And fantastico should not have ipb as they're the newest version and ipb has already remove them from cpanel for because they are not offering it for free now...

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I want to install phpBB 2.0.14 or IPB 2.0 Trial (It was free when it first came out - and I have it -_-) But yeh, I did that fantastico thing and it says I dont have enough space..:D

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I have now got phpBB 2.0.13 to work.


How I did it:

1. Go to your cpanel (yoursite.trap17.com/cpanel)

2. Go to phpBB

3. Choose your options

4. Click install

5. Enjoy!



Sometimes when I am reading a post or doing something else, it goes to like (Thats not exactly it, but something like it). And then it says "Error" and something else. Why is this? Is it because I havent done something probably or is it because I am on the #1 hosting plan?



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I have another question about Forums. How do I get the kind of forums that have the top being your site, then below all the forums and forum catergories? All I can do it link a iframe to show it on my site. I want something similar to lpassociation.com (look at their site then forums). Or atleast could I use php for a site, intead of a text document? HELP!

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from what i understand it takes a lot of modding knowlage to integrate the two, and im trying that myself but havent found anything that works, im using ipb 2.0.3 and all i can get is a simple login and the ability to grab things from the forums and display them on my site. you can always check the forums at http://www.invisionize.com/ (for ipb) and http://www.phpbbhacks.com/ (for phpbb)i know they have both been used like that.good luck, and if you find something, let me know

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