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Css Stylesheet - "if Ie" Tag Possible?

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<style type="text/css">#memoryticker{width: 448px;}</style>

So, I've got this as part of the stylesheet for a JavaScript I'm using (I removed the irrelevant parts of the code for this question).


When it's at width:448, it aligns itself properly with the image it's next to perfectly - for FireFox


When it's at width:450, it aligns itself properly with the image it's next to perfectly - for Internet Explorer


Too see what I'm doing, visit this page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


You will see News/Updates. That's an image that's 450px wide. Below that is the Javascript, which in Firefox needs to be 448px wide because it has the 1px border on the sides (1px border * 2 + 448 = 450).


IE does not add the border pixels to the width, making it 2 pixels short.


I need to make it so that [if IE], the style will be width:450


Can I use an [if IE] tag in there somehow?

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I think you can, Chech with the admins/mods.I have no idea, Accually i di but just cant remember.Thanks,FFC Webmaster,Asad Haider.

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It uses javascript. Here it is:


<script language="javascript">if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1) {document.write ("<style type=\"text/css\">")document.write("#memoryticker{")document.write("width: 450px;")document.write("}")document.write("<\/style>")} else {document.write ("<style type=\"text/css\">")document.write("#memoryticker{")document.write("width: 450px;")document.write("}")document.write("<\/style>")}</script>

If the browser is any IE version it write's the width having 450px. The user can have any other browser } else { and the width will be set to 448px. If you wish to change the else bit to do Firefox only I believe you to change it to this:




} else {




} elseif (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("FF")!=-1) {


This may not be correct but I believe so -_-


Do you understand? Don't hesitsate to reply if you don't

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I hate to have people think I'm spamming but I made an error when copying the code from on another.


document.write("width: 450px;") in the } else { sector should be document.write("width: 448px;") in accordance with what you specified -_-

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That works. I'm familiar with that method, but was wondering if there was something else I could do. But I've just gone ahead and done it this way. Thanks for the help.

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When it's at width:448, it aligns itself properly with the image it's next to perfectly - for FireFox


When it's at width:450, it aligns itself properly with the image it's next to perfectly - for Internet Explorer

Try this:

#memoryticker{ width: 448px; }html>body #memoryticker{ width: 450px; }

Since IE doesn't recognise many CSS selectors you can make hacks like that. IE doesn't understand html>body, so it just ignores the style rule. But Firefox understands it, and in CSS the last rule is the one that counts, Firefox just ignores the first rule.

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