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Okay, Newbie Tips...

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I just got Xisto.com #1 Package.


- My main piority is to have a phpbb 2.0.14 forum, or IPB 2.0 (Trial).


- But, When I upload it via ftp (Cuteftp), It works etc.


- Then, when I go to my site.. mysite.trap17.com/forums - nothing happens...


- Whats wrong? It says nothing is there? Do I need to do something in cpanel?


- Even if I dont have a mySql database, I should still be able to see it...


- Thanks in Advance..



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You shouldn't upload forums using FTP and nothing else. You do need to edit your database. There's supposed to be a forum in the cpanel which will make your forum on the spot without having to upload anything. You could go to Control Panel and under Pre-installed scripts, there's phpBB. Click it and it'll install your forum for you, and you don't need to do a thing. I highly recommend that. But unless you don't want phpBB, it's your choice.

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