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The Space do you think we will ever live on the moon??

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Of course build a big space station on the moon and live there.....Thats not effiecient at all.. And not very reasonable.I think as of right now, We couldnt possibly do it. Main reason, there is no oxygen on the moon so You would have to have enough oxygen up there to last a long time, and to fill a large area.... You would need to grow your own food (This can help in the oxygen process also since plants take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen) And it would be difficult to travel or leave your home.. Also the fact that stuff like insomnia sets in after being in space for too long. If you everdid live there you would never beable to come back to earth, at least without long term disabilities. The fact is that the moons gravity isnt strong enough to keep our muscles as strong as they need to be to withstand the earths gravity. Otherwise when you returned to Earth, basically what would happen is you would be crushed by the gravity. Water is something that humans must have to survive, this is also another problem that would exhist. There is no water on the moon so you would have to take A LOT up there. Then you would have to have a purification system, because all the water you used to take a bath or use the toilet would have to be recycled so you can drink it :lol:. If the moon had the atmosphere we have and contained oxygen and water then you would beable to look over the different gravitational affects, but there are too many varibles that are against us...... I dont think its possible, and will not be possible for a long time. I was gonna conclude here but something comes to my mind I want to bring up so here it goes.Over time humans can addapt to their surroundings, Thats one of the reasons why you see different looking people in different parts of the world. If humans did move up there and live, over a period of generations, I believe it would be possible to addapt to the environment of the moon, reduced oxygen levels, low gravity.... I'm not too sure how addapting to the oxygen and lack of water would be, but I am almost 100% positive we could addapt to the gravity, Humans would become taller, probably have longer limbs, I cant say for sure because im not educated in this, but thats just my opinion.

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by the time we have the technology to make the moon inhabitatble the erath will be f**ked up and/or the human race will be fighting for what little resources remain. so pretty much, i doubt ppl will ever really live on the moon, like its home.

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