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Need Help With My Website

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Hello, i have Invision Power Board v3, my website is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/], I am doing this website for this organization. Anyhow, i still dont have a home page, but i have the forum part set up. And that is what i need some help on. and i had a couple of questions in which i was wondering if you guys new how to change these settings.

[1] How can i change the title of my website? The current one is New Directions - Forum (Powered by Invision Power Board).
[2] How can i put more links in for example in Xisto there are [ Lite ] [ Portal ][ General ], i was wondering how could i add my own?
[3]And all the way on the bottom, were it says board statistic, how can i take the part that says "Show detailed by: Last Click, Member Name "
[4]Lastly i was wondering how i could put a shoutbox, like Xisto's?

I would really appreciate some help. Thank you.

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Hi roboT39,You can change the "name" of your website by making a request to Xisto's admins. It will still say "yourwebsitename.trap17.com" unless you go get a domain name at a domain name registrar like "goDaddy.com" etc. The you can have a website named like "yourwebsitename.com" etc. that is hosted on Xisto's server computer.The other changes you asked about should be described in the Invision Powerboard's documents on their website. Each change should be described in the "modules" section.Hope this helps,RGPHNX

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Trap17 has professional programmers add lots of stuff to the site. To change the name, go into the admin panel in the IPB. To add links, you have to go to where the IPB files are stored, and edit the index.php file. You would have to code a shoutbox yourself, and edit the index.php file to include one wherever you want it. Basically, if you want to add something you have to code it then edit the index file [or whereever you want it to show] and include it.

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I think you can change the links in the global header thing, not sure though

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Err... Well possibly, and that is probably the way that you would add or remove or even edit the links on your site. I haven't really used the Invision Power Board, so I wouldn't know what files come with it... There probably is a header though, because that would be the easiest way to handle all of the stuff on the top of the page, including the links. Again about the shoutbox thing, however, if you don't know any PHP then I recommend the kShoutbox created by karlo, a Xisto member. If you do know PHP, it's extremely easy. Basically just setting up some databases and using a looping function ( while() or for() ) to display all the messages and stuff.

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