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Your views on this type of music is very wrong. It's a black pride, just learned this in history media thing. White people also tend to become posers and say they are black because it's "cool".. still confused?Rap is a popular music but has existed WAY before Jazz in africa and the black community of the United States, but basically it's guys who "Grew up on the streets" singing themselfs up and relating their music to the current social statues, where Casual Sex is common, people Cuss a lot more and know to much about other nasty things WHEN THEY ARE 12 :lol:Basically, it's the whole civil rights thing, which I fully support. But maybe you are right, maybe rap music and the rappers are taking it to far.By the way, your sentence was improper and horrible grammar :)

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well what i usually say to people who hate stuff especially music or tv is don't listen or watch it. I mean really no one is forcing you and you can't stop people from liking what they like. It's popular right now.
As to the violence comment. According to experts, music - movies - tv - news - video games are all the reason why people are violent. In my opion it's a personal choice as to how you deal with situations. You'll find more people who use guns to resolve problems are those who have guns. Wonder what people would do if there weren't so many guns out there? I think very few would use other thinks like knives ect.

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Well if you think that rap and hip hop cause violence what about Metal they sing about the devil, and satan? I dont think its the music but the type of people that listen to it. I like rap, not too much but a just a little, and im not too violent haha JK! :lol: but yeah i like punk rock music the most, but even tho the people that rap, even though they sing abut usic, gangs, shootings and stuff like that, i still dont think that it makes everybody violent, i mean people make the secition of being violent, and if you are educated well, you wont go out killing people b/c you heard a song.

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there's another stereotypical view on a type of music. Metal really isn't all about satan. If someone doesn't listen to a type of music they tend to lump it all together with the crazyest thing they've seen.

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Rap, as a form of music is not a bad thing. It can be used very creatively in ways that other forms of music cannot. But I understand why some people see and blame it as violent, explicit, etc., but their understanding of why it's that way is usually quite non-existent.


"Black music": Sometimes it should be called "Minority music" when such a stereotype is used. The content of rap and its connection to minorities are cyclical. Blacks are associated with rap because of the history of rap (like Jazz). Blacks are also, as minorities, a major American population in poverty (as a result of slavery and segregation). Poverty removes these people from mainstream society, which in turn degrades their quality of life, which then leads to violence...


Violence: It's not society that makes people violent, at least not exclusively. It's not the media, music, video games, etc., that cause violence, but our human nature. (Refer to Demonic Males by Wringham and Peterson.) And as minorities, these people have used their form of music to express their lifestyle, which is quite violent (among other things).


So do you understand why there's so much violence in modern rap music? It's because rap is black music, blacks are minorities, minorities are on the edge of society and mostly low-income, which leads to a lower quality of life and the expression of our innate violent human nature.


Of course, not only blacks listen to rap. Nor is rap the only music that has violence or other degenerate material. Some heavy metal and hardcore music represent another paradigm of this condition of music.


I'd say that it's true that violent music will lead to more violence. Sex music more sex, etc. But it's not the style of music nor the producers who are to blame. Violence and other degeneration are a result of something being wrong with society (i.e. poverty). The cycle begins as the violent music that?s expressed causes more violence, which lessens the quality of life, and then creates more violent music.

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