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Quiz Credits Cool idea

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Ok My idea is to make quizs and if you pass it you get 10-20 cridets depeding on your score. I really think this would work because i like it on other sites and it's easyer for members to make cridets at a fast pace but have to know things lol. I would also like to hear what other members say about this idea i think it's good but you guys may or may not i don't know lol only time well tell.X-killer

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The idea of the credit system is to that people are encouraged to contribute to the community. Before it was introduced, many people were signing up, posting, requesting hosting accounts, and then never returning to the forums again. This was obviously very, very difficult to manually keep track of, so people were taking advantage of what Xisto offers without giving back anything at all.Although I don't think this is such a bad idea, I think that the winnings would have to be at about 10 credits maximum; and there would also have to be a limit as to how many times one member could win. If it were too easy for people to gain credits, then many of them would otherwise avoid the community all together. That's my opinion, anyway.

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I like the idea of having quizzes but I don't think they should add to your hosting credits. The hosting credit system is good the way it is in my opinion. People that are here now and have a large amount of hosting credits have made this place great. If anything maybe it should be harder to get hosting credits so the servers don't get bogged down by creating and deleting new and expired accounts.For the quiz idea though, perhaps using a "Knowledge Point" system that works similar to the reputation points system would be good. You don't receive points from other members, but by doing quizzes you could gain "Knowledge Points". This would give everyone an idea of how knowledgeable you are.The quizzes could be submitted by the members subject to approval by admin just like the tutorial section. Having the members submit the quizzes helps to expand the feeling of being in a community here at Xisto.Of course this would likely need some serious coding to pull off. Perhaps it will take a while before it could be done but I think it would be unique in this type of community.

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yah i think that there is a rule you can only try once and the quize thing is built in with the forum making it easyer to have a quize every month and for your question of what it would be on it could be any thing teh admins want to add. It's all up to them in the end but i think every one would kinda enjoy it and besides it's not enough to last them a month so they would have to still post but not as much. because of there smarts.-WaT-X-killer out

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Why not just let the top 3 or top 10 (if you're feeling generous) win some credits? Say 10 for the 1st place, 5 for 2nd place, or something. You get my idea.

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