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Problem With Trap17 Request Form I Cant Get The Page To Load

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I was getting ready to apply for a hosting account when I saw the Web Hosting Request Forum link in a pinned topic. I clicked on the link but I went to a blank page even when I left my computer alone for a few minutes. If the page does not exist will anyone give me an idea on how a request topic should be layed out. Thanks for your help!

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Yeah, you're right. I'll inform vujsa. Until then, copy and paste everything below to fill your application. Where ever it says "Your answer", you put your answer: :o


I would like to request free web hosting from Xisto.

Please find my application below.

Your Registered Domain Name or Desired Xisto Subdomain Name:

Your answer

Account Username:

Your answer


Your answer

Email Address:

Your answer


Your answer

Country Where I Live:

Your answer

My Websites Theme:

Your answer

Reason I Chose Xisto:

Your answer

How I Found Xisto:

Your answer

My Previous Host:

Your answer

Reason For Leaving My Previous Host:

Your answer

Desired Hosting Package:

Your answer (Two possible answers: "#1: Starter Package" or "#2: Default Package"

Additional Comments:

Your answer

I have read, understand, accept, and agree with the Terms Of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, and The Forum Rules:

YES, I Agree!


Thank You,

[your username goes here]



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Thank you so much. This has really helped me alot simply because I would have been sitting at my computer wondering what to do next. I'm glad there are people out there who are willing to help :o

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