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Madness In China China vs. Japan

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i donot care of politics usualy,but i doubt why the starter of this post and supporters love japan so much,even if they know that japanese govonment like misinterpretation of history to its maleficence on purpose.approximately 60 years past,japanese leader still visit his aggressive army memorial,the army who brouht tremendous loss and inhuman behavior to Asian people.still,they insist to lie to world people espesically their people who are warm in nature.what can chinese people,korean people and other asian people do? submit to the misinterpretation of history written on the student's textbook?we love peace,so not hope any conflict happen.i do,but japanese govenment do not,they still occupy the oil source ,the right of which belongs to China in law of UN.why?examine your conscience,if you like the aggression to other in peace time.


if you really love peace,how do you think the difficulties that asian people are reluctant to mention?

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i donot care of politics usualy,but i doubt why the starter of this post and supporters love japan so much,even if they know that japanese govonment like misinterpretation of history to its maleficence on purpose.approximately 60 years past,japanese leader still visit his aggressive army


I think you are mixing things up in thinking that we criticized the mob in China because we love Japan. It is not an emotional issue. If we are behaving emotionally on such an important matter as the history, we are no better then the Anti-Japan mob in China. I think, most of us agree that the anti-Japan mob is overreacting. The reason behind such a comment is that we dont think China has shown a greater respect for the truth then its neighbor. I criticized the Asians obsession with face (to use a Chinese word) and I think that the Japanese textbook writers are certainly wrong in glossing over their war past for this reason. However, I think that the Chinese are covering up many things for the same reason, say, they are covering up the outbreak of SARS (which no Chinese official has apologized), they are covering up their brutal treatment of Falun Gong members, and they are still covering up their atrocities committed in Tibet. Thats why I think that the Anti-Japan movement in China is fuelled not by a love of truth, a respect of history, but rather a blind hatred, fanatical chauvinism and as an outcome of brain washing by the state media and state controlled education system. If the Chinese were really true to history, they should have been equally angry with their government for covering up facts in Korea and in their Civil war with Kuomingtang and in the June Fourth Massacre.


Mao, the founder of PRC, once thanked the Japanese for invading China, undermining the Army of Kuomingtang, so that the Communist could seize power after the war. Thats why I think that the Communists are more interested in seizing power then anything else. This is also true in the recent shows of madness. The Chinese government has been manipulating the so called nationalism of its people. Sometimes, it shuts down the Anti-Japan website and censors certain keywords in search engines and in other times, it allows them to let out Anti-Japan sentiments and thus orchestrating the whole show. This smacks of the N. Korea nuclear plan. When N. Korea needs food, it publicizes their advancement in atomic physics. For the Chinese government, letting out the Anti-Japan mob gives it more power in bargaining with Japan over issues like natural gas and recognition of fulfillment WTO requirement. But the show really did not impress me.

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I think you are mixing things up in thinking that we criticized the mob in China because we love Japan. It is...


SH...sh...if you really have not read history of Asia and do not know the current oil right occupied cheekily in the light of day.do not utter some nonsensical opinion.ok?certainly,i have no right to stop and shut you,because Xisto community is a great team for us web fans,i donot want to affect the good enviroment by some politics problem.


i advise you to read thelatest newspaper printed by some authoritative publishing company before left comment.thx

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first of all, after reading every post here again, China didn't cover-up the SARS incident. Only the medias worldwide covered it, the people in China, Hong Kong and the Chinese community knew that the whole SARS incident (which also included many Canadians.) The Chinese government was very open w/ it. It's just those foreign media that never talked about it in like England or US about it.We knew it all along. That's why it was a big thing for the Chinese communities.Another thing, China's government is now leaning more towards democracy. They allow "some" type of demonstration rather than in the 80s Tianamen Square demonstration that killed so many students. Yet democracy may be a heavy price to pay for this country. If China goes into democracy, there would be economic crisis, more people in poverty and etc.xboxrulz

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