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Madness In China China vs. Japan

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This is the forth day when Chinese citizens went into a wild protest to not allow Japan into the United Nations Security Council and because they rewrote their history text book blaming on Chinese for starting the war (World War II) in Asia.Currently, all Japanese businesses in China puts a cloth to show that they are not Japanese businesses or they put out Chinese flags.The Japanese embassy in China was egged, spray painted on and etc.The Japanese flag was also burned in this violent protest.These cities include: Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and other Chinese major cities.I personally don't mind if Japan enters the UNSC, but I do mind about them changing history.xboxrulz

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I dont think that is the main cause of the outrage. The reason is Japan approved the oil drilling rights for two companies to drill for oil in China Sea WITHOUT China's approval! From my point of view, this is called invasion.

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HiI don't really care as to what could happend to Japan at the moment as they are part of the war in Iraq which I don't approve but I think the chinese people in the streets are a little hypocrit as they wouldn't dare do that about their own governement as they would end up dead or getting life.The chinese government is also taking a step back towards democracy as they should protect japanese interest but they basically encourage it.I think if I was the japanese premier I would recall my embassador.Patrick

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what surprises me the most about china and japan that they still have a loose truce so to speak and that they havn't invaded each other and start each other off

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well, yeah... thats probably because China is the largest country by population in the world and even though Japan is high tech, it would not stand a chance. Also the Japanese army is under strict control by NATO as far as I know... I think they have limits and such...

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I am not Chinese. I am not Japanese either. I hope I am not biased against any of these countries. Yet, the movies I saw on TV reminded me of the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution in China, a part of modern Chinese history which the Chinese are still too reluctant to face squarely. The Chinese government is also glossing over the June Fourth Massacre in Tiananmen, where the Army killed 5000 students. I therefore think that the Chinese are actually not in a good position to protest the Japanese misinterpretation of history.

I think the problem with the Asians is that they are too afraid of losing face (see http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/). The Chinese covered up the SARS outbreak, the Kyoto farmers covered up outbreak of avian flu, the disgraced Korean businessmen, having found involved in some financial scandals, would rather commit suicide then to face the tribunal. They take their reputation too seriously to the extent of becoming notorious. Thats why there are a lot of chauvinists in the Asian countries. If you dare to criticize their countries, they will be crossed.

History, however, is not for the patriots or the chauvinists. It is a scientific study of the past. That's where the problem is.

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well im not chinese nor japanese but from my point of view i think chineses are overeacting..of course japan has made some bad things like trying to change the history but anyways we all know that's not true! and also this oil thing, now they are very wrong there >_>.. china has all the rights to go and protest maybe with the ONU? but they wouldn't go wild and wanna kill all japanese in chinese territory X_xU

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Still, to leave the japanese war crimes is a b it, euh, unfair? You see, leaving that out would provide kids with a bad education and would be way biased. What about the crimes commtitted against surrounding countries?

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I don't see the point of changing history but its not worth protesting about. Just leave well enough alone and Japan will have to realize what they are doing is not right. I'm sure many countries cover up the truth. No one cares unless its about them.

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Well that is pertty damn sad for any reason. I really don't mind China having a problem with the drilling or the changing of history, but they shouldn't be so closed minded about another country joining what ideally is the world's union.

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Well i would say that China should apologize, but they are hungry at Japanese...well hope they solve this the good diplomatic way...As far as the history books, well the chinese can't say a word since they have done the same, or even worse (i never saw japanese burning out books), did you know that the Palestinians do the same, in their school maps it's impossible to find Israel :lol:I don't share alperuzi's opinion on the chinese army, chinese have always been too many, but in their history, they where defeated by smaller countrys with better militar technology, the Mongols, the English (the Opium war, that seized over Hong-Kong and only now released it), the Japanese who kicked their *bottom* badly until the Americans came in...Nowdays, China is buying weapons in order to upgrade their army to Taiwan's (yes that very small island) levels...hope it doesn't start a war over this...

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please note that Taiwan is NOT a "real" country. It's a Chinese territory running with its rogue government.Not saying that its bad, democracy is good and such....spawn_syxx9, China wasn't the one who changed their history texts, it was the Japanese.Also, note another thing; technology doesn't win a battle. It is how the general decide and all that. Please refer to Sun Tzu's Art of War. For example, the US has greater numbers and technology in Special Forces, but the Canadian Special Forces can take them out since our soldiers are much better trained. (Our special forces can even wear a civilian shirt and pants on operations, isn't that just great! Plus, in C-Q-C, Canadians can take out the Americans. It depends. Americans are better @ long range battles or a field battle. Plus, their good @ nuking people to hell; that's all. Another point, most of the American soldiers train in Canada to become Special Forces.)Therefore, technology is not always the answer to win a war.xboxrulz

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