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What Is This Spider Doing? I dont use adsense..

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I was looking at my latest visitors and I saw the spider "Mediapartners-Google/2.1" I went and researched about it and found out that it was looking at my sites to find sites similar. The thing is is that I don't have adsense. Do you know what is is doing on my site?

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Not recently, I did around 3 months ago though... I don't think submitting it back then would have such a lag to do it now.

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I think it would because when I submitted my site, it took quite a while to see my name in Google, too.

Anyways, if you don't want to appear in Google, you can always put a noindex meta tag between your <head> tags:

<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">

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Even if you don't submit your site too google.. Google will still index your site if there is any other site which links to yours.

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I'm just wondering what the spider is doing, I've been indexed by google for months now. I'm just wondering what the Adsense bot was doing at my site.

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The Adsense bot is just another crawler owned by Google, you do not need to have an Adsense account to be get crawled by this bot, Google is just distributing its crawling workload to its sub servers and that's why you have an Adsense bot crawling your site.

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Well, my site is indexed on Google, but I have never been visited by this particular bot. Mine is always Googlebot.This is in spite of having AdSense on my site :lol:

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