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Free Message Board Needs Php Can I have it?

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I found a free message board for my site, where I can have my Google ads there, instead of Proboards ads, but it requires PHP, which I know nothing about. I don't believe my host, Doteasy.com, supports PHP on its free sites. Does Xisto? If so, could I host my message boards, here, and link from my Doteasy site? The software I'm looking at is YABB. Here's the link:

Yet Another Bulletin Board

It also mentions CHMOD and Perl--I don't know those, either. Should I give it up or is it possible for somebody like me to do this?--I do know HTML.



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  mizako said:

Xisto supports PHP, MySQL, Perl ....


Terrific. Now all I have to do is figure out how to put it all together, which means I'll probably be back with lots of dumb questions. Thanks.

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Normally you just upload the file into a folder created in /public_html, then you'll need to setup a new MySQL datebase and give full permission for the database to a MySQL user. Then you usually just run a install.php file located somewhere in your forum folder.I'm not too familiar with YaBB, since it uses Perl, I dont know what other procedures you need to do before running.If you dont mind, use phpBB instead, its free and you can put Google Ads in the forum. Also I have more experience with this forum than YaBB, therefore I give you better technical support.

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  tonic said:

Normally you just upload the file into a folder created in /public_html, then you'll need to setup a new MySQL datebase and give full permission for the database to a MySQL user. Then you usually just run a install.php file located somewhere in your forum folder.


I'm not too familiar with YaBB, since it uses Perl, I dont know what other procedures you need to do before running.


If you dont mind, use phpBB instead, its free and you can put Google Ads in the forum. Also I have more experience with this forum than YaBB, therefore I give you better technical support.


Terrific. Thanks. phpBB it is. Hopefully, I'll be able to start on it, tomorrow. Right now I'd better figure out how to get a site activated over here, so I'll be up to speed on that part before I try to tackle the BB.



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  tonic said:

Awsome, just give me pm when you need any help.


Will do--thanks again. BTW, how much space will this take up? I'm thinking of combining the message boards for all 4 of my sites into this one. I don't get much traffic, so I don't expect much action. I get 20MB of space here, free, right? Will that be enough if I don't put anything else here except my forums? Is that okay with Xisto or would I be abusing my rights here



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I dont think it will, as long as you dont exceed the disk space and data transfer... You must also have enough sql database...

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  hype said:

I dont think it will, as long as you dont exceed the disk space and data transfer... You must also have enough sql database...


Yikes! How do I get that?



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Any hosting plan here at Xisto will be more than enough for your forum. If you dont host at Xisto, 1 MySQL is the minimal requirement, 20MB space if more than enough for the forum itself.

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  tonic said:

Any hosting plan here at Xisto will be more than enough for your forum. If you dont host at Xisto, 1 MySQL is the minimal requirement, 20MB space if more than enough for the forum itself.


I have been approved for hosting, here, and it looks like I'm eligible for an upgrade to 150MB, so all I have to do is make it happen. YEE-HAH! I have a lot to learn, but I think I can do it. I'll let you know when I'm ready or if I run into problems along the way.


Thanks again.



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Here I'll give u a quick start.

PART A - Setup Databse

1. When you get your account, login to your cPanel.

2. Click on "MySQL Databases"

3. Create a new MySQL database.

4. On the same page create a new MySQL User.

5. After creating a user and database, on the same page give your new user the "ALL" Privileges to your newly created database.

6. Remember your database name and your username and password.


PART B - Install phpBB

1. Download phpBB from https://www.phpbb.com/downloads/

2. Upload this file you downloaded to the /public_html/ folder by using File Manager in cPanel.

3. Now you should see ie. /public_html/phpBB.zip in File Manager.

4. Click on the file then click on i think Extract Content (On the top right corner)

5. Now you should have /public_html/phpBB/ you can always rename this folder to something different.

6. Then go to http://forums.xisto.com (this should be the folder u named)/install/install.php

7. Then just follow the install procedures carefully.



CHMOD - This is the access privileges, phpBB might ask you to change the CHMOD of certain files or folder, you can do this by using File Manager or an FTP Program (I suggest FlashFXP, 30 full trial)


Use your forum as the main page - you'll have to extract all the files in /public_html/phpBB/ into /public_html/. Or you can create a index.html to redirect.

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This is a very powerful host so I think they just might allow it. I don't recomment hosting a large forum here simply because of the bandwith requirements. If it is a small forum then I would for sure. Hope I helped a little bit.

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