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Forum Modifications List

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I've put together a list of all the mods installed on this forum, as well as some which I'd like to install, given approval. I don't want to install any mods without the approval of one of the admins, so I'd appreciate it if you'd either approve or reject them. This list includes mods requested by other members. Everyone, feel free to edit this to add or remove mods from lists. And admins, you can either move a mod from the pending approval list to the approved list or reply to this topic saying they're approved.


Current Mods

Advanced Quick Reply Hack

Cash Hack

Shop Mod

Bank Mod

Ranks Summary


Requested Mods (Pending Approval)

Lock/Unlock in Posting Body (Requested By Hazaa)

Move and Lock Topics in One Step (Requested by Hazaa)

Last Post Topic on Index (Requested by Nightmare)

Advanced Karma Hack (Requested by Dago-Serv)

Flash BBCode Hack (Requested by God)


Requested Mods (Approved but not installed)

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