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Support for phpBB (please read!!!)

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I have seen some support topics for phpBB. They are not bad but sometimes unclear. So I thought, I make a topic for how to get support.


You gotta paste this in your support topic:


[b]Homepage URL:[/b] URL to homepage[b]Problem page URL:[/b] URL to page with problem[b]phpBB Version:[/b] Version of phpBB[b]Is it stand alone:[/b] Is it stand-alone or intergrated in script like php-nuke?[b]Templates installed:[/b] Templates installed next to subSilver[b]Mods installed:[/b] Mods installed[b]When did the problem start:[/b][b]what problems does it give:[/b]
Here is an example:

[b]Homepage URL:[/b] Freenukehosting.com[b]Problem page URL:[/b] Freenukehosting.com/forums/viewtopic.php[b]phpBB Version:[/b] 2.0.10[b]Is it stand-alone:[/b] Yes[b]Templates installed:[/b] FI Subice[b]Mods installed:[/b] Cash mod, bank mod, shop mod, activity mod.[b]When did the problem start:[/b] After I installed the cash mod[b]what problens does it give:[/b] Topics cannot be viewed anymore.

Then give the error message in a quote.

The error message will always show which file and what line the error causes. Like line 34. Then you must display line 34 and the 5 lines around in the code tags. Example

Line 29Line 30Line 31Line 32Line 33Line 34Line 35Line 36Line 37Line 38Line 39

And one thing.


Sometimes users will see this:

phpBB critical error: Could not connect to the database

Also some users have pre-hacked phpBB

If you have a pre-hacked phpBB (like easybb or phpBB plus) installed than just tell this

[b]Mods installed:[/b] EasyBB (ph)

If you have a pre-hacked phpBB and some extra mods added that waren't included yet than do this:

[b]Mods installed:[/b] EasyBB (ph), Moderator Control Panel, Advanced profile CP, shoutbox

And if you have many mods installed than just tell mods what could have caused the problem.


This can mean one of the following things:

- You gave the wrong information about the database so it can't acces it.

- There is a server problem (see forums for info)


That was it. I hope this will be use and will make the support better.


Have a nice day

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Oh yeah. I forogot one thing to say (going to add to post):
If you have a pre-hacked phpBB (like easybb or phpBB plus) installed than just tell this

[b]Mods installed:[/b] EasyBB (ph)

If you have a pre-hacked phpBB and some extra mods added that waren't included yet than do this:
[b]Mods installed:[/b] EasyBB (ph), Moderator Control Panel, Advanced profile CP, shoutbox

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