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asp and php

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Basically, ASP is a proprietary technology from Microsoft that runs natively on IIS/Windows, also, ASP is not a language in itself, you have to code in VBScript or JScript. On the other hand, PHP is open source [that means that you can extend the language writing your own extension, ie: a custom library] and usually runs on Apache web servers. I didn't use ASP so I can't compare it with PHP in terms of which is better and why, but I strongly encourage you to learn PHP, the most obvious and simple reason to choose PHP is that the web is widely dominated by UNIX/Apache [thanks god for that ;)] so PHP becomes the natural option for server-side scripting.

See this thread for some opinions/link about how to learn PHP or this one for some free PHP e-books.

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Well, it's possible to run ASP on Apache, but I don't think that it would be logical. (And I don't think that it is what we are talking about ;)) I have tried both ASP and PHP, actualy I'm stuck with PHP and I'm happy about it. ASP is a weapon of choice if we are talking about development on and with M$ software.Anyway, get involved with PHP. You won't regret that.

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ASP can be buggy, as it is only checked for bugs by microsoft, unlike php what is open source, so updates are more frequent. I prefer php, as its widly available, and much more stable.Also php is more popular out the of the pro industry.

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