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New Rank System? Much Like The FNH$

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I was thinking about a new rank. Called "Reputation" something like the FNH$ you can "Donate" FNH$ to others (But only this you would not be donating your "Reputation points" just "uping" the said persons "Reputation points"). Well the way this would work is you have a little rank some where below your name and it would look something like this.


Rep [+] | [-]


Q - How does this work?

A - Simple, if you think someone has done something good for you or for a nother person you could "up" his/her Reputation by clicking the "[+]" (The plus sign) next to the "Reputation" rank field or if you wish to "lower" someones Reputation rank (for a good reason) you can click on the "[-]" (The minus sign). Also when you "up" or "lower" soemones rank you would have to give a reason why you are "uping" or "lowering" the said persons rank. And other users can view peoples "Reputation Log".


Q - What would this be used for?

A - Well you would not be able to do anything with your Reputation points its just there to show others how well known you are and how helpful you have been.


Here is what it would look like if you hade Reputation points




Lets say you have a total of 12 "Reputation points" here is how it would look.


Rep - 12 [+] | [-]


If you would like more information on this, or do not understand what exactly i'm talking about, leave your comment here and i will try to give you a better understanding of my idea.


Also leave any and all of your comments about my idea.

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So it's kind of like the karma thing on other boards. I got ya, I would go for it! 8)

Yes, when FNH added in the "FNH$" thing, that was like the same thing on the forums i use (A Graphic site) and they also have this "Reputation Points" thing going on.

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I'll throw in the suggestion for a karma mod I wrote that does the same kind of thing, but it allows you to have a nifty little tittle for each level of karma.

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I'll throw in the suggestion for a karma mod I wrote that does the same kind of thing, but it allows you to have a nifty little tittle for each level of karma.

That would be kool, but if they wanted to keep it simple then just


Rep - 12 [+] | [-]


Would be simple enough ;)


Oh and you didnt vote!! Come on every one that looks at this port or makes a comment should vote. I wanna see how many of you like the idea. ;)

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Here is a nother way it could look. For the example lets say you have 12 people have gave you a + (plus) Rep


Reputation: 12 pts [+] | [-]



The word "Reputation:" in that line would be the link to the "Reputation Log" of that person. and also the "[+]" and the "[-]" would be links to the "uping" and "lowering" of the Reputation of the said person.


This could be added right below your FNH$ or above it.

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Great idea!You could also add a small one-time FNH$ bonus for every X reputation points above zero - some kind of motivation. 8)

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