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internet explorer 7?

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well i dont know but here is a screen shot of a high bandwidth d/l of microsoft


it makes it perfect for those low bandwidth servers


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Holy. Cheesepuff. That's amazing. Highest speeds I ever get on cable (claims to be <1500 kbps) is 400 KB/s. Which means I'm getting it from cache, as 1500 kbps is 187.5 KB/s. I really need to get a new ISP, then. Or move back to America.

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My god. Well. Why not? Heh. Best (residential) speeds in Singapore that we can possibly get is about 6500 mbit down, something like 384 mbit up. Not that great. And it costs quite a lot. Something like 50 USD a month (~62 Australian Dollars). Pretty expensive. Actually, I didn't think Australia was that well connected. I guess I'm wrong. But the advantage of living here is... well... sometimes we get products before most of the world? I dunno. Maybe. ;)

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yeah imo singapore would b the best place to keep ur pc upto date...i pay $59au per month for unlimited cable but b4 u get too excited its 10gb unlimited speed then shaped to 64k after that when the shapeing software works ;)

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another firefox lover here.. but it's important to update IE too.. specially because u need to use it to update windoze... (partially.. u can always use WUS to update your machines)Be Well 8-)

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Microsoft's losing their browser dominance. Which isn't BAD. But if anything, they'll probably get some casual Firefox users or other less mainstream browser users back when they introduce IE7, which probably has the futures that they generally look for, which is ease of use (tabs), security, and integration. Firefox has 2 of those, IE currently has 1 (integration). If M$ is smart, they'd catch on, and try to model IE7 to the consumer's (us) needs... Plus it's IE7. Of course it'll be a complete overhaul.

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my fav browser is firefox, altho i tend to use ie. i always forget to use firefox... internet explorer is pinned to the start menu and i cnt be bovad to pin firefox. also, i have shockwave and everything on ie and i cnt be bovad to install it on firefox.

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