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Little brother haves change my tittle. This is not even cool and how he do this. I need the tittle i had last. He dint even PM me to add this to my tittle and i dont even know this guy. This is the message i get....Little Brother has changed your title to Little Brother owns me. If this is inappropriate, message an admin.So i did and need the rank i had.

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Yeah wat ever. Wuda be funny if it wudda happened to you?? funniest thing ever? yeah right. Thats just gay. and this person musta be gay. Mods please respond to this....

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What's weird is that it just changed again, did he do it again? Because before it said "Little Brother owns me" :? :? :? 8)

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well yeah. this guy is mental. and he thinks it was made to play with it. I know it was made to change tittles but the thing is that he dint ask permission first. He thinks this is funny. I did PM the admins. :arrow:

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Well the shop.. you can also buy items to other members. see this is wat i get when i go to the shop >>Little Brother has changed your title to Little Brother owns me. If this is inappropriate, message an admin.

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Ah. I see now. That's handy to do. Here's what you do. Take your 850 FNH$ and set his to something evil. :twisted: I don't know if there is anything you can do, other than changing it back yourself. The shop's designed that way.

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yup. I know but the thing is that he already change my tittle twice...Imagine if i waste my FNH$ each time to change it and he could change it back again. i try to talk to this guy but the only thing he is thinking is to create a team I think to be doin this to other members too. This kid is goin nuts. and i need a admin to warn him to stop. after that i could change my tittle back.And please people I thank you for sending me Donation to change my tittle. stop I wont jus change it until this is over.He claims hes the rich rich boy here on Free nuke hosting by donatin to others. Thats nice i kno. But if you want to change my tittle or want to change it to any member here just PLEAESE ASK FIRST.

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Maybe the ability to change someone else's title should be removed so as to save the hassle of having to deal with the possibility of someone changing eveyone's titles to something obscene.

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Man..thats so true. because. I mean you wudda been mad tight now if this happens to you. Im not gonna take revenge on this one cuz it might even end worse. I belive this feature of the shop about buying other people a tittle should be taken out. I dont even kno if this is possible. But if it is please do it. I think this is the 1st time this has happen to a member. and yo I dont need that on my tittle. thats just gay. And if this Little brother guy wudda care he wudda been change my tittle back. But instead he change it and twice.

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Well i was thinking the same, but something needs to be done about this. You cant just let other people add tittles and bad ones to you without no permission. that just crazzy. Im not asking the mods to take the entire shop off..just like some Forums to report some one that does this and get quick reply about it and warn that user.

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ill disable that feature until i can get ahole of naz to talk to him. Ill disable it for now and let him take care of it when he comes back on.

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