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Expanding content box?

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Hi to everyone,

I just made my first layout, but I don't know how to expand the content box & the ads menu if I type alot of text. I am even not sure if I sliced it correctly?

Here is picture of it:


I see there is a problems with the link, so you can just copy and paste the URL in your browser.

Can someone please help me here or refer me to a tutorial?

Thanks in advance.

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Hy maverick,

I'm not a webdesign, so I'm not sure if my way is the best approach to solve your expanding problem.

I think that all websites should take care of big images (to increase performance). To achieve your dark blue borders effect you can use tables inside tables and set cellpading and cellspace for each table (I'm not sure if this cellpading and cellspace works well in netscape, mozilla and so on. give it a try)

To expand your advertsiments area:

Slice a image with just your top advertisiments text. Use the bgcolor of <TD> table tag or even the background of your table to expand the area to maintain the color.


To expand your content box:

Slice a image to the top (text and curve areas) and a image to the down part (curve areas). To the area between the top and down imagens you should use a 1 pixel height image as a background of your left <TD>. This 1 pixel height image should get your left line side (the one with shadow). The right line (withou shadow) should folows the same principle. Make a 1 pixel heigh image.


As you can see, the hard part is to choose the right tables (TD, TRs, Background) configurations. If you have problem with that: A good tutorial should be



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