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Pictures slideshow

Put this inside <HEAD>

<style>body{background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: 275 150;}</style><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">var speed = 1500var Pic = new Array() Pic[0] = '.jpg'Pic[1] = '.jpg'Pic[2] = '.jpg'Pic[3] = '.jpg'var tvar j = 0var p = Pic.lengthvar preLoad = new Array()for (i = 0; i < p; i++){preLoad = new Image()preLoad[i].src = Pic[i]}function runBGSlideShow(){if (document.body){document.body.background = Pic[j];j = j + 1if (j > (p-1)) j=0t = setTimeout('runBGSlideShow()', speed)}}</script>

Put this in <BODY>

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