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Do you think Halo 3 on Xbox 2 will be a hit

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I read a article that said that they are doubling staff do you think HL3 will be a good launch game???
Microsoft Doubling Bungie Staff for Halo 3 *updated*
>> From TeamXbox.com:

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer is reporting that Microsoft is doubling the staff for the next installment in the Halo series."Making a game is getting to be more and more like making a movie," J Allard said in an interview. "You need to hire more artists, more animators and more musicians."

The Chief XNA Architect revealed to the SPI that 65 people worked for more than two years to develop Halo 2 and now the software giant is doubling Bungie staff for the next installment.

*UPDATE* From halo.bungie.org:

Two days ago, we mentioned an article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that quoted J Allard as saying that Bungie was "doubling staff for the next installment [of Halo]". Today, that quote is all over the net - I saw stories about it at CVG and TeamXbox, for example. Straight from the horse's mouth (separate emails from two different Bungie community team members) - this is completely untrue. Bungie hasn't even officially confirmed that they're making a third installment - but they're absolutely, positively, not doubling their staff any time soon. Remember: if you didn't hear it from Bungie... take it with a grain of salt.

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Well, i didn't like HALO 2 as much as HALO so idk. but i will want to get an Xbox 3 wen it comes out. I may be a sony boy but hey. might as well.

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From what i heard(yea i got a few contacts on the inside, im a lucky mofo :D) from my friends, they will be fixing what was wrong with the original, mainly the generic level design, making it more fun to play through the single player. Also it will have a new game engine, one 10,000x more powerfull, getting rid of the slow down during in game generated movies. This is slated to be one of the realease titles for Xbox 2 (aka xenon as of right now) just like the orginal Halo. For now thats about all ive heard, and yes i have heard about them doubling the staff. Since this is going to be the big game realesed with Xbox 2, they are trying to get as many people working on it as they can, also they want to get it ready in time for the xenons release. Which hopefully will be at the end of this year, but remeber what happened with Halo 2......when they say end of the year....never trust them :D

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yes. Halo haves too much fans. and we like halo and if halo 3 comes out. Ill be with my little chair in front of the store lol because i dont want to buy it a week after it comes out like it happened with halo 2 to me. :arrow:

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But as a launch game m$ wont have much input about the system unless they have BETA testing and stuff. Any one know how to register for M$ beta testing?

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It will be pretty good, and with the ending of HALO 2 theye sure can make HALO 3... because the story in HALO 2 didn't end

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