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What do you want from a CMS?

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Please tell me what you would want your "ideal" CMS to have. For example a block with set as homepage and bookmark buttons, or an intergraded forums, or a monkey from outer space :D


Just what you would want in the perfect CMS.


I'm um "making" my own CMS and here are the features that i curently have or am coding or just ant to code:


- Changeable layouts and templates

- Complete control over the colors of fonts, bg, bgimages, links, font decor, etc.

- Blocks that you can turn off and on

- Blocks that you can move up down, from left side and right (if layout has 2 sides)

- Many blocks

- Modules that you can turn off and on

- Login Script

- Downloads Script

- Tutorials Script

- News Script

- You can code your own pages

- A nice online admin module

- Propably some more i can't think of...


Please tell me what you think should be added to that list. Please :D

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The CMS what you offer is really good. But can you make/edit/delete pages in your CMS?

Yeah many cms hasn't got that feature, i want it 2.

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A CMS cannot be built to fit everyone's needs..Therefore it is impossible to create a ideal CMS with taking up at least 100MB of space.Therefore,I suggest you create Apps on your own needs

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