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The XML page cannot be displayed

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I been seen this warning for the past 10 minutes. Wats goin on. I dont think theres a problem with my internet explorer because it was just working fine. But then this message below be coming out went im goin to see topics. Then i ckick refresh and it works. Any one seen this too?The XML page cannot be displayed Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------End tag 'head' does not match the start tag 'meta'. Error processing resource 'http://forums.xisto.com/'. Line 34, Position 3 </head>--^

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I dont think So man. Cuz why it was working fine ever since i joined this forum. Well yeah Im runing IE6 on XP professional. but why this is happening now. well its probably some spyware ill scan it later. thanks anyway god :arrow:

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It's happened to a couple of our members, running IE6 on XP. I don't know what causes it, or why it only pops up some of the time.

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Yeah I knew it.. the damm spywares were causing this to happen. I just scanned my system and found the spywares. After the scan i tryed and it works. No more messages again. Ok thanks god :arrow:

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Yea it happened to me once so i did a defrag/disc cleanup/virus scan/ad-aware scan and all that good stuff and hasnt happened since =/

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Well I just closed internet explorer and open it back and that did the trick.. I had hours surfing with the same window lol. :arrow:

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i can guarntee its not spyware. Cause using that logic, then it would mean on any phpbb2 forum, you would be getting that error. And every other one i have been too is complelty fine.It wasnt until the shop, bank, and arcade mod started getting popular that i started seeing this. And hitting refresh doesnt always help.I dont know xml enough to figure out whats wrong, so ill keep looking around online see if i can find an answer :mrgreen:

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