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What happened to the spam forum

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We had to remove it because there was a conflict with the Google Adsense rules, and google was threatening to pull the ads.


Sorry about that.Posted Image

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lol.. alot will use it to gain more cash i suppose....

Your post count & cash count did not increase in this part of the forum.

That was how it was set up.

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yeah it was just for fun spamminglike the refrigerator thta i put a bombin and tried to blow up god or didthis:doiafjdwoafjeowiafjeafoafioeafjoiejwafoejafoeijwaf0932gtand tried to win but i couldentbeat god

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What exactly was the reason for the "conflict" as they called it? Why should a spam forum be in conflit with the ads? Sorry I'm just a little confused on that.Tim :twisted:

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Good riddence! That spam forum was good for a start, but I got over it pretty damn fast. The one word games and stuff were fun, but the rest was a bit... :?

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It is too bad. But life is hard (so buy a helmet).I will still have fun on the FNH forums, and that is all that counts ;) :mrgreen:

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