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the best linux distribution?

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I just coverted from Red Hat 9 to Debian, and I won't be going back for a while. 8)FreeBSD and Darwin are still better. :D

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I've only used RedHat Fedora C2. I can't really say. Suse looks cool though, and Gentoo is for that geek factor only some people understand. Not me. ;) Too had to set up. Gave up. Fedora is real easy, but I haven't gotten much to messing with it yet... Windows is still (almost) universal.

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You forgot to put one of the best: MandrakeI've already said before that I had a discussion in my forum about which one was the best, the 2 finalists were SUsE and Mandrake.I've voted for SUsE, but you should have put Mandrake too

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i believe suse is the best but Red Hat (they got red hat on a pc of my school) i saw it for a bit and it seemed quite good.

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Yeah, RedHat may be good, but comparing it to even SUsE or Mandrake, SUsE and Mandrake are much better than it. Redhat fits more to "just started"s at the linux world. I have tried different versions of Linux:- SUsE- RedHat- LinEx- X-Evian- Devian- Knopix-...And I just tell you that if you have just started at the world of Linux, use RedHat, but if you know something about the world of Linux, get SUsE or Mandrake, they'll help you more if you have a medium knowledge.I have SUsE installed in my HD together with Windows, and I just tell you that this Linux is the best that I have ever used.

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Redhat is good, but i use fedora, which works great for me. Fedora is a good blend of linux and is very versatile. Also, Knopix is awesome, its great for using a computer and not leaving anything behind.

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still trying out Suse 9.2 for a mail server (with openexchange). red hat is a great distro also, but i voted for Suse, as i am very pleased with it untill now.was wondering on Fedora, but it'll have to wait, because i'm low on time to test it..Be Well 8-)

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