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A little game for you all

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I don't know if this game will go against any rule, so I would like a Mod to watch this and close it if necesary. If I broke any rule, I'm sorry


This game consist in saying the name of a song that has a same word of the song named in the previews post. Example:


Post #1: Getting bored-> Name of the artist

Post #2: Bored of doing nothing -> Name of the artist


You MUST also put the name of the artist


This game can be quite entertaining. In the http://www.rocktotal.com/ forum it was the best thread, I liked it so much... there were only metal songs... such good... :D

So here we start:



Red light in my eyes -> Children Of Bodom

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Black light -> Fruhstuckgood? i properly understand your game?black light is a title of the song, and fruhstuck is a team, band

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Yeah, you understood it all right.Come on people, join this game, it's entertaining :DBlack And White And Red All Over -> Biohazard

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