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Artists Corner [Calling All Deviants]

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This is a place where you can post all of your artwork onto the forums

Please follow the following template for posting art


[size=18][b]Title of ArtPiece[/b][/size][img]http://<<link to Image>>[/img][b]Artist:[/b]  Your name (Please don't use someone elses art/only with permission)[b]Date Finished:[/b] Post the date you created the artpiece (to the best of your knowledge, as general or specific as you can be)[b]Comments:[/b][quote="YourNameHere"]Say a bit about your artwork here: Infulences, opinions, comments[/quote]

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[quote="<Your Name Here> -commenting on <Artist>'s <name of artpiece>-"]Your comment[/quote]

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Mardi Gras -x- A Tribute

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Artist: VampyreVein

Date Finished: Feb 22, 2005


Another photo maniputulation of mine, combining one of my older art pieces (the background) with some interesting use of FireWork's vectors, effects, transparency/alpha, and finally a Jester character I made in Photoshop some time back. Sprinkle with a few modified pictures from Google/my Web-Surfing, and you have this.

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This goes out to my Friends

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Artist: VampyreVeing

Date Finished: Feb 4, 2005


I've been feeling a bit disconnected from everyone lately, and this is just my way of saying thankyou to all of them. If you're the tentative type, you'll notice that the background of my face is actually my first Deviation, "Red Explosion". I first tinted tinted it blue, then assigned it to the bottom layer. Then, I set the fullsize picture of my face to a transparent alpha mask. Each square in the bottom left goes out to a different friend, and so far we've got Maddy, Kay, Vicky, Jackie, Jon, Jake, Alex, Kathy and Jen. Unfortunately, that's all I have been able to include so far, so, to my friends (any you all know who you are) who aren't in there yet, please comment and send me you're favourite picture of your bad self so I can add it. Also, if you are already in there and have a better one, just do the same and I'll tailor it up.


One last note: It might seem like this is all about me. What I'm attempting to convey through each square in the bottom left is that all my friends are pieces of me, you're the life in me. I feel dead and empty without.


Most of all, and as the deviation says:


Too All My Friends...


You Keep me...


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hey dude none of you pictures showed up

:shock: :x :roll: :? eh...that's weird...well, they're all on DeviantArt, so check em out there

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Posted Image

Artist:Nazrin a.k.a Naz

Date Finished: 6th March 2005


Just a simple gfx/signature. Simple brushing and added some soft grunge style to this gfx.

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