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I wander what happened:Did FNH buy a hosting company?, or... Was FNH eaten by another :shock: ?Can be comprensible...(Sry my bad englishhh)

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I've removed one of the posts because the pic was taking up far too much room. I've contacted the user and they should remove it before re-posting.

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Yeah i just went and looked yeah, thats pretty wierd, well idk... im just hoping vaio-hosting will be up soon :D need to do something lol get so bored now...*PS 100th post wahoo*

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I can't wait until VAIO is back up. I am also getting bored. *Whistling in a bored manner* Nothing to do. Ladeedadeedoo. Anyway, lets all pary that the host will get back up and won't kill our accounts! :D

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I can't wait until VAIO is back up. I am also getting bored. *Whistling in a bored manner* Nothing to do. Ladeedadeedoo. Anyway, lets all pary that the host will get back up and won't kill our accounts! :D

They better not delete our accounts or i'll go into a depression :cry: ... Any ways I doubt they'll delete our accounts, but I'm also very bored and now I'm MOVING so I'm falling behind on what I can do with my site (adding mods and all that good stuff...) The thing is I was ALREADY behind schedual from the get go, lol oh well just means when its up I'll have to work even harder to get everything up and going again...

Tim :twisted:

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Yea i used to use neoncube and they sucked. They died or something.And all the accounts got deleted. Messed up. I like FNH a lot better anyways.

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Yea i used to use neoncube and they sucked. They died or something.And all the accounts got deleted. Messed up. I like FNH a lot better anyways.

i only been with them about 2 weeks..and that was a week before the free hosting accounts went off..so basically i havent experience anything as yet..but as soon as the free hosting gets back..i am gonna sure enjoy it!

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Have faith people! IT WILL COME BACK! ;) ;)

That is what we all are waiting.... But something like 3 weeks from now... I'm bored too... :roll:

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Have faith people! IT WILL COME BACK! ;) ;)

That is what we all are waiting.... But something like 3 weeks from now... I'm bored too... :roll:
yeah faith.. i think faith died a week ago when it didnt come back the second day it was down lol :D just playin.. ill be waitin..

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