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Domain vs Subdomain difference?

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I have a .net domain, but I wasnt sure what the difference was when stating your domain or yourname.vaio-hosting.com. What would be the difference? When I requested free hosting I went with a subdomain, what would have happened if I would have put my own domain down?

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Right.Domain name: You must own, as in "https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl". We can then give you webspace, you would then link your domain name to your webspace.Subdomain: For people who do not own a domain name. We give them one, but it is like in a sub directory, hence yourdomain.vaio-hosting.comDoes that help?

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Yea thas for the domain for the subdomain theres no nameservers or domain registration, no troubles for you its all on Admin and the account creators

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Request domain change in a support ticket, then change the nameservers of your .net domain to the ones here. THEN allow about 1-2 days for the DNS to update, meaning your domain/site won't work in the meantime.OR you can park your .net domain in your cpanel, so you can use both the .net domain and the sub-domain. Again, allow 1-2 days for your domain to work.

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has anyone know where can we get a free domain name? as in "http://ww2.yourname.com/"? i have read from the net that there are no more free domain name offers.

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yes, supdomain is being created by domain. Domain can change DNS to links to your host, but supdomain can't...But if Host of Supdomain have Cpanel 9x can add 1 Domain . And You must to buy domain , but Supdomain is free. bye

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has anyone know where can we get a free domain name? as in "http://ww2.yourname.com/"? i have read from the net that there are no more free domain name offers.

I searched all over looking for one, and couldent find one.

But I found one for ALMOST free its $4.98 a year the website

is https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/domains

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I am about to purchase a ".ca" domain myself and currently have a sub-domain on this server. When i request for the change, and after it is changed, does that mean instead of the url reading "yourname.vaio-hosting.com/news" it will read "yourname.ca/news" and the same for the rest of my pages?

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When i request for the change, and after it is changed, does that mean instead of the url reading "yourname.vaio-hosting.com/news" it will read "yourname.ca/news" and the same for the rest of my pages?


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