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My website dosn't working

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FIX IT !!!

Please calm down... FNH is giving excellent hosting services, so if there is a downtime or a bug, please don't come and complain 'cuz admin probably works hard to fix this and he probably saw the downtimw before everyone in here...

Sorry, I had to say it... I'm bored of people who just complain without knowing that the admin is probably working hard to fix bugs...

See ya !

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But if a admin is working on it couldn't they come in here and say they are then maybe everyone would stop posting about and maybe they can say when the sites will be back up?

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But if a admin is working on it couldn't they come in here and say they are then maybe everyone would stop posting about and maybe they can say when the sites will be back up?

Exactly my view... Seems like no one is working on fixing problem, or even if it is going to be fixed :S. One post is all thats needed. I don't want to switch free hosts again, FNH seemed good :D.

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So Protocool, you are using paid plan???I am using free.... now with this kind of stuff, I do feel much tempted to find financial support to get paid plans with other webhost. Because there is really not given answer from the Admin about this situation. The other people that run this place do not contact the admin, so they can say all this to us. But they do not know what is really going to happen for sure.

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you all are wrong the admin is working hard to fix the problem its going to be fixed they aint just gonna leave it broken forever

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you all are wrong the admin is working hard to fix the problem its going to be fixed they aint just gonna leave it broken forever

have you heard directly from the person on it? if not your words mean *BLEEP* all.

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Stop using the pathetic excuse that this is a free host. All these posts complaining about the same things wouldn't have happened if any of the admins had posted SOMETHING about what's happening. They don't even have to give a timeline for everything to be back to normal, just indicate to us that the admins are actually alive. That's not too much to ask, is it?And if this is how they treat free hosters, I doubt very much the service will change much for paid hosters.

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i try to connect trough FTP and all works fine, but trough HTTP nothing.. i just need a justification, admins, please.. just for be informed for what's happening in my/ours siteregards.

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website and cpanel not working. :x mySQL databases don't work yesterday, it seems anything is working today. i hope it will be fixed soon... :D

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so weird. It's the first time i need my host and i can' thave it lol.I am sure the admins work on fix it. Else if they didn't care they will just shut the service down and not pay for a broken server

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