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Left or Right Winger

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Thats right man. They are awesome. Only had time this morning to listen to Don Ibis. Oh well. Does anyone know where i can hear michael savage?

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I'm not american, so I do not have an opinion (altough bush licks anus :D )

So, because of the fact that you aren't american, what is your reasoning for saying he licks anus. the fact that we are at war? would you sya that about the president who started wwII? Would you have given the innocent japaneese people pity?

Last time I checked Hussien had not killed 2,000 Americans in a single day nor had he done anything even approaching the atrocites of the Holocaust or the Rape of Nanjing.

In addition FDR did not start WWII, Hitler did by invading Checkoslovakia and Poland, followed the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbour. WWII is one of the three wars the US has fought that have actually been necessary to fight, not aggressive imperialist actions that the current war in Iraq is.

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people were so different in many aspect have you notice that, every one of us has different perspective in life, but the the very important of all we know what our conscience has "PEACE" each lives were wasted every day because of some of those were so dissapointment of what they have, but the main point there is we fill were alive, for me im just me what ever happen its me. see yah :D

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well you have a point too. you see, i take in everyones viewpoints. Might spit them bac at you but still listen to you.

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Y be either extreme? If your on the far side, youve gone to far(richard jenny) if i had to be clasified as one, i would be liberal, but i dont share alot of the opioins of liberals, im more open minded.

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He's an interesting thing https://www.politicalcompass.org/ it goes beyond the right-left and examines both your economic viewpoints and your stances on social issues. My schools are:Economic Left/Right: -8.75Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.1Which means my beliefs are exactly 180? opposite of George Bush's and General Pinochet's and slightly more to the left than Nelson Mandela.

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i might try that. But i know about where i stand. I might only be 17 but i keep up with all the current politics and everything else going on around the world.

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Jesus! What the hell is the need to clasify your own thoughts into a general mindset? Why can't you think for your self? I guess it must be the protection of the pack. :x Sigh, just think for yourself and state your own thoughts here. That's what we're talking about in the thread. This ain't a thread to split up the groups and proceed to *BLEEP* at each other, so why must you?...Sigh

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I'm posting this again because obviously no one reads the thread before posting :?


What about the middle wing?

I like emilin's Idea best. How bout we all just say *BLEEP* YOUR WINGS, I'M STARTIN MY OWN! Then we can think for ourselves.


I don't take sides, I just stances:



Separation of Church and State: Best thing ever

Bush: Idiot

America: dissapointing

Don't hate us cuz' we're American

Just hate our leaders.

Confilct in middle east: We're only there for the gas

Convinced: that bush wanted saddam because saddam tried to get daddy killed. Therefore, 1000+ US soldiers are dead

Gay-Rights: Okay, so first racism, then sexism, now you're hating on people for their sexual preference



Seriously, who are we to say?


Well, anyway, there's plenty to learn:


dont believe: read, think for yourself, then act.


"In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man,  

it seems unfair that he did not also limit his stupidity."

           -- Konrad Adenauer  


"There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't."


"That's only 2 types of people, moron"


Okay, I think I'm done. Lol, oh, yes...one more thing


Go to http://www.bushflash.com/

Make sure to watch the animations, especially dust bin america and poisonous legacy.

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Jesus!  What the hell is the need to clasify your own thoughts into a general mindset?  Why can't you think for your self?  I guess it must be the protection of the pack.   :x  
Sigh, just think for yourself and state your own thoughts here.  That's what we're talking about in the thread.  This ain't a thread to split up the groups and proceed to *BLEEP* at each other, so why must you?


Considering I do not know anyone In The Real World that falls where I do I think I have classified myself sufficiently, but anyway if you wish, this is a platform I wrote for a party in a Model Parliament and pretty much describes my beliefs:

All people are equal, regardless of colour, ethnicity, gender, or any other petty way we humans choose to segregate ourselves. All people, however, are not the same, and it is the differences between us, the great diversity of human life, that makes our society so great.

With these thoughts in mind, the Leftist Democratic Party, proclaims itself in favour of creating a democratic society, where all people are given a full equal opportunity to succeed. We believe that the way to accomplish this is through the protection of the rights of the worker and indeed all people, along with a strong government to meet the basic needs of its citizens.

Governmental Structure:
The Government of Eleutheria should be dedicated to improving the standard of living of all Eleutherians and protecting their inherent and constitutional rights. To accomplish this, the Government of must be able to provide basic social services, such as, health care, welfare, and social security, yet still not be the ever watching eye on its citizens.
Corruption and abuse of this system by employees of the government and contractors of the government shall be punished in the harshest way allowable by law.

Protection for the Least
All people of Eleutheria must be guaranteed a minimum standard of living. The Leftist Democratic Party believes these main points will fulfil this responsibility to all citizens.
A minimum wage that allows workers to afford what is necessary for themselves and their families
A government funded healthcare and health insurance system that provides for both basic medical functions and procedure, but also protects citizens from catastrophic medical costs resulting from major procedures.
A welfare system put in place to aid those unable to find work that provides benefits by putting people to work in non-competitive government provided jobs.
Free access to essential utilities including phone service and electricity.
Social Security services for the Elderly that include pensions and full health coverage.

Human Rights
All humans have the intrinsic rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We of the LDP believe that just as important as the natural rights are the right to thought, speech, and equal treatment.
We affirm our commitment to the right of all humans to hold their own opinions.
We believe that the ability of all people to express these opinions is one of the most important rights and must always be protected. However, when this right is abused to cause physical harm or to incite hate against individuals or groups of people, the government has the ability to act against the individual abusing his/her right.
The right of all people to receive equal treatment both by the government, but also in the workplace and private life. Therefore we oppose any type of discrimination whether it is based on Race, Religion, Ethnicity, Sex, or Sexual Orientation.

Workers Rights
Our society is built on the contributions of its workers; therefore, the LDP believes that the rights of these persons must be protected and enshrined in our nations laws.
The first right of the workers is that of collective bargaining and the ability to organize. The LDP will support workers that wish to unionize or organize themselves in anyway to collectively bargain with their employers. The workers also have the right to strike; however, the government reserves the right to intervene in strikes.
Workers must also know that their work places will be safe. Any condition that represents a clear danger to workers is not allowed and the government will mandate regular inspections to make sure workplace safety is maintained.
No organization shall hire based upon Race, Religion, Ethnicity, Sex, or Sexual Orientation.

Education is fundamentally a right not a privilege. All schooling should be free and not be affected by economic or social conditions in an area. To make sure all Eleutherians receive a basic education schooling until the age of 18 in mandatory and some type of more specialized learning beyond that is strongly encouraged.
The ability to read is a skill all Eleutherians need; therefore, a mandatory reading exam must be passed before a student is allowed the pass the fifth grade. To help students develop this skill, reading classes will be offered in an after school setting in both English and Spanish.
Private schools will be allowed to operate, but cannot receive governmental funding.

Any government has an obligation to keep its citizenry healthy. The LDP supports a strong governmental presence in the healthcare and health insurance industries. By both bargaining with the pharmaceutical industry and taking a direct part in providing healthcare, Eleutheria can make this basic service available to all citizens.
However, we recognize that the profits derived from selling these drugs are what provide the resources to discover and produce new and ever more helpful compounds. This research should be encouraged by providing funding to institutions and organizations that discover and develop pharmaceuticals.

Foreign Affairs and Defense
Defense of Eleutheria should be secondary to Social Concerns, only maintaining the military at a level necessary for self-defence and humanitarian missions.
In all things relating to Foreign Affairs Eleutheria wishes to act in a multilateral fashion, working with other nations to improve our standing in the world.
Eleutheria denounces military action taken in an aggressive manner.

Taxes and the Economy
As in all things, the Economy should provide for the standard of living for all Eleutherians not just a few. The LDP supports a strong state presence in the economy in the form of a regulator, making sure that corporations to do not abuse workers or the trust put in them the Eleutherian people.
Taxation should be income based, so as to place an equal burden on all citizens. A far lower rate will be put in place on the poor and middle-class, while the upper class of Eleutheria should be expected to have a high tax rate on their incomes.
Food and other essentials should never be taxed.

The Environment is a fragile and precious thing that must be protected in every way possible. This should include regulation of Eleutherias oil industry to make sure they do as little harm to the environment as possible.
Mass transportation should be implemented in all possible cases and be funded by a tax upon gasoline sales. A tax will also be implemented on vehicles that do not meet a minimum gas mileage level, while vehicles that have better gas mileage will have tax incentives added to make their purchase more desirable.
The LDP also supports a cabinet level Environmental Minister to oversee regulation of the natural resources of Eleutheria.

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to tell you the truth i have no idea what side im on... im on the good one though, where i get the most money out of it

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I like emilin's Idea best. How bout we all just say *BLEEP* YOUR WINGS, I'M STARTIN MY OWN! Then we can think for ourselves.
I don't take sides, I just stances:

Separation of Church and State: Best thing ever
Bush: Idiot
America: dissapointing
Don't hate us cuz' we're American
Just hate our leaders.
Confilct in middle east: We're only there for the gas
Convinced: that bush wanted saddam because saddam tried to get daddy killed. Therefore, 1000+ US soldiers are dead
Gay-Rights: Okay, so first racism, then sexism, now you're hating on people for their sexual preference
Seriously, who are we to say?

That's pretty left-wing, but you can go start a NEW left wing ;)

And when you implied that the election was rigged because of who's the governor of FL, I'll assume you meant the 2000 election, because, lucky for us all, FL was not a deciding state in this past one.

There's more I'd like to respond to after reading this thread, but, meh.

I'll just say that I'm UBER conservative and I support Bush, because he puts Americans first.

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