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Left or Right Winger

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Im a democratic, but more in the middle of the political spectrum.




Now, i kno i probly am wrong about some of these things, but then again im 15, but yet i seem to kno moe about our government than some of the "grown" people i have met.

Enlighten your self:






dont believe: read, think for yourself, then act.


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What about the middle wing?

I like emilin's Idea best. How bout we all just say *BLEEP* YOUR WINGS, I'M STARTIN MY OWN! Then we can think for ourselves.


I don't take sides, I just stances:



Separation of Church and State: Best thing ever

Bush: Idiot

America: dissapointing

Don't hate us cuz' we're American

Just hate our leaders.

Confilct in middle east: We're only there for the gas

Convinced: that bush wanted saddam because saddam tried to get daddy killed. Therefore, 1000+ US soldiers are dead

Gay-Rights: Okay, so first racism, then sexism, now you're hating on people for their sexual preference



Seriously, who are we to say?

We are totally political soulmates. You said every point I make when the "What is your dream government!!!" comes up. Crazy stuff.

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In that case, I've got an Idea for a political division of my site's WebZine, and if you'd like, I need a moderator/writer for it. If you're interested, PM me. (I have no problem with the 'political soulmate' thing, but let's be 'political soulmates' in a straight way, lol)

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hey vampire dude im like the total opposite of youPro-lifeSeparation of Church and State: worst thing everBush: good manAmerica: i love itConfilct in middle east: FREEDOM!!!Convinced: that bush wanted saddam because was a evil man who killedthousands of people. Therefore, 1000+ US soldiers are died for a good causeGay-Rights: them stupid f*cks dont they know that God hates *BLEEP*s

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hey vampire dude im like the total opposite of you


First off, peace. I believe we're all free to feel how we do.


That said


Did you post this to piss me off, or are you serious:


[b]If you're serious:[/b]


Pro-life: And what about rape/incest? What if that stem-cell is gay? different story?

Separation of Church and State: worst thing ever || ...okay...why?

Bush: good man ||Go to bushflash.com. Watch dust bin america? If you still think so, you're not human.

America: i love it || I Do too

Confilct in middle east: FREEDOM!!! || Watch the animation "Liberation" @ bushflash.com, you've no idea what you're talking about.

Convinced: that bush wanted saddam because was a evil man who killed

thousands of people. Therefore, 1000+ US soldiers are died for a good cause || ...1000+ Soldiers...DEAD! There's a cause you can justify that with?

Gay-Rights: them stupid f*cks dont they know that God hates *BLEEP*s || Ignorant

So go *BLEEP* a lamb, lol


But if you're not serious

Then void the above...and cool site.

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hey vampire dude im like the total opposite of you

Separation of Church and State: worst thing ever
Bush: good man
America: i love it
Confilct in middle east: FREEDOM!!!
Convinced: that bush wanted saddam because was a evil man who killed
thousands of people. Therefore, 1000+ US soldiers are died for a good cause
Gay-Rights: them stupid f*cks dont they know that God hates *BLEEP*s

Hell ya. We need to be on a debate team. These are my feelings:

War brings peace (look at WWII)
Don't like illegal aliens at all
Almost hate the gangsters at my school (all one race and they think they are superior)
Pro-death penalty
GO BUSH you are a good man
Even if war is for the oil, he took sodomy is insane out of power (sadam is an evil *BLEEP*)

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Contrary to scientists' dire predictions, the size of oil reserves the average American believes must exist somewhere are expected to increase through 2050, even after reserves actually ran out in 2043


Take a step outside of your own little world for a second. Realize reality...


Take a step out of your own little world, Cody.



Pro-death penalty

This is no black and white issue Cody. I can agree in some situations, in others, I disagree:

For example, Sort through the following:

A serial killler.


A 15 year old reject who pulls a columbine

Is he at fault, do we blame society. Doesn't every kid deserve a second chance?


A man drunk driving kills a mother and her child


A serial 'killer' holds two hostages in a room. He tells hostage 1 to kill hostage 2, and if he does not kill hostage 2, his wife and daughter will be executed. He kills hostage 2.


A mother kills a man who theatens to kill her and her children.


A paid assasin


My point: you can't easily say one or the other, can you?


GO BUSH you are a good man

Okay, time for some bush bashing:

Watch these, keep an open mind, would you?

--dont believe: read, think for yourself, then act.


Now, just for yourself, think about what makes a good man, a good president, a good leader. Got that?, now compare that to this:


Army Creditials: http://ericblumrich.com/



Respect For Veterans:


Freedom in the Middle East:


Humanity in War:


A man of Faith


Support of our Politcal System


Prevention of Nuclear Disaster




I agree, bush is a good man


Almost hate the gangsters at my school (all one race and they think they are superior)

Okay, so there's some *BLEEP*s on the planet. Are you so prejudjice that you'll judge a skin color because of a few?


I live in suburban Rhode Island, so I don't really have this problem as much, but there stilll are the wannabe's I guess, and if you're too stereotype, (I'm not one to) then I'm of the freak crowd. But I have friends in every crowd, including the 'gangstas', 'Jocks', 'Nerds', 'Burnouts', (*BLEEP* these labels), so maybe you should try being more outgoing and down. People will start to call you a cracker if you keep it up.


And a cracker gives white people another sterotype

and a stereotype brings racism


So stop it now, please.


Saddam was *BLEEP*ed up, but what about Osama?

Which one blew up two World Trade Buildings ON OUR SOIL? Osama

Which one's in custody of the US? Saddam




Well, that's all I've got to say, hit me back, and peace.

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well first of all, i have many of that certain race friends. Kno what pisses me off though? that i can't walk through my school without getting cussed out by people who can't even speak english and take speeeecial classes that they don't even pay attention to. Or the fact that i get threats that i am going to get jumped. I kno that there are many of the people who i am talking who are hard *bottom* workers. and i respect them. but i have no respect for those who tell me im a *BLEEP*ing white boy ***** in there language. On another note, if i say white pride, i am considered racist. if a mexican says brown pride, he is expressing his feelings. that my friend is quite screwed up.

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well first of all, i have many of that certain race friends. Kno what pisses me off though? that i can't walk through my school without getting cussed out by people who can't even speak english and take speeeecial classes that they don't even pay attention to. Or the fact that i get threats that i am going to get jumped. I kno that there are many of the people who i am talking who are hard *bottom* workers. and i respect them. but i have no respect for those who tell me im a *BLEEP*ing white boy ***** in there language.  
On another note, if i say white pride, i am considered racist. if a mexican says brown pride, he is expressing his feelings. that my friend is quite screwed up.

You living in downtown NYC er somethin?

(*BLEEP* -any ethnicticy here-pride here, it's just real *BLEEP*ed up)

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I think arguing over politics is a waste of time. I'll just enjoy myself and won't give a damn what happens, cos i cant change it.

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I think arguing over politics is a waste of time. I'll just enjoy myself and won't give a damn what happens, cos i cant change it.

I agree, yet I get a kick out of it...lol

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Yeah, i can see what you mean, its a pitty we have little influence over the matter though... :D *sob*

Well, we do have infulence. We voice it here. People read this.

I'm doing politics here for two reasons:
1) I can practice it myself
2) I'm making others think

Both of these mean alot.

Now, say for example, I launch a web-zine with a political sub-division (If you've read this thread, I've already talked about it) Now, in that situation, I think I've got a lot of impact, don't you?

Well, anyway, if you want to get some input on that zine, just PM me. Thxs,


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