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Left or Right Winger

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Are you a Liberal or a Conservative. I personally am a republican. Therefore i am also a conservative. Please post what you are and why.

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Well it may or may not, just in my experiance on forums when this topic came up it almost always has just because of the two diff oppinions half the time someone takes it to seriously ;)I'm not tryin ta shoot ya down or nothin ;)Tim :twisted:

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Well it may or may not, just in my experiance on forums when this topic came up it almost always has just because of the two diff oppinions half the time someone takes it to seriously  ;)I'm not tryin ta shoot ya down or nothin ;)

Tim :twisted:

I see. What are you anyway.

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I really don't understand the two (I'm only 17) and am on the comp most of my time. So I'm not going to say because I really don't know, lol ;)Tim :twisted:

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Im a democratic, but more in the middle of the political spectrum.NOT STARTING AN ARGUEMENT FOR YOU POLITCAL PEOPLE BUT...If you think about it, since bush(the second one mostly) came into office weve had nothing but problems. I mean, yea Clinton had his little...umm...incidents, but i still think he did a better job at keeping us going than bush has.Some facts about the "Bush" presidents:When in office, US invades Iraq soil because of OIL (for thsoe of you that didnt kno, both bush presidents were oil barons)War going on during their termi cant even think of more right now.Now, i kno i probly am wrong about some of these things, but then again im 15, but yet i seem to kno moe about our government than some of the "grown" people i have met.

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Im not trying to start a flare either...Bush took an evil dictator out of power, gave many people freedom, and did more better than worse.

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definately right wing, and i have my reasons, anyone wanna debate these, id love to! just instant message me at: aim: goodcheezfanmsn: pcwiz138@hotmail.comLet the debating begin! :twisted:

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I have no wings - but I think Tony Blair is a *BLEEP*. He should be kicked out of government for being stupid. EMA - wot the F,, is that all about????Stuborn kids should just go ti school!!! I never got paid for it!

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What about the middle wing?

I like emilin's Idea best. How bout we all just say *BLEEP* YOUR WINGS, I'M STARTIN MY OWN! Then we can think for ourselves.


I don't take sides, I just stances:



Separation of Church and State: Best thing ever

Bush: Idiot

America: dissapointing

Don't hate us cuz' we're American

Just hate our leaders.

Confilct in middle east: We're only there for the gas

Convinced: that bush wanted saddam because saddam tried to get daddy killed. Therefore, 1000+ US soldiers are dead

Gay-Rights: Okay, so first racism, then sexism, now you're hating on people for their sexual preference



Seriously, who are we to say?


Well, anyway, there's plenty to learn:


dont believe: read, think for yourself, then act.


"In view of the fact that God limited the intelligence of man,  

it seems unfair that he did not also limit his stupidity."

           -- Konrad Adenauer  


"There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't."


"That's only 2 types of people, moron"


Okay, I think I'm done. Lol, oh, yes...one more thing


Go to http://www.bushflash.com/

Make sure to watch the animations, especially dust bin america and poisonous legacy.

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