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KOTOR II -- Impressions?

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I saw a comment in the farcry thread, so I figured I'd throw this up.Just wanted to get people impressions on this game, I personallywasdissapointed. I won't go into to many details because I don'twant tospoil anything for people, but these are my general thoughts:1. I found that the character development was almostnon-existant,whereas in KOTOR the characters were very well developed(For the mostpart) and you actually got to know them, in KOTOR II Ifound thecharacters to be very 2D, you get some backstory on them butthey arenot really developed to the point they were in the first one.Andthere are no character quests that I could find.2. I found the worlds to be dissapointing, some of them were verysmalland had very few quests, and some of those were pretty pathetic.3. The dialog and influance system in the game is a pain. Ithink it wasdesigned for re-playability as I think it would be verydifficult to getevery character to their finished status by only playing once. ButIhave found that the dialog options for the characters veryseldomchange and sometimes you have to go 3 or 4 steps into a dialogtreethat you've already done before getting a new option.4. As for re-playability, I'm about 1/4-1/3 of the way through mysecond time and am pretty bored already, I'm focussing on differentcharacters in my party this time, but I just can't bring myself to careabout my party because even when you focus on them you don't reallylearn much about them. KOTOR I played 5 times and was on my 6thwhen I recieved KOTOR II.5. The ending, if you can call it that , was rushed to say theleast.And if you finish this game then be prepared to wait forKOTOR III forany closure.All in all, I was dissapointed in the game, at the same time thoughIdid enjoy it too a certain extent, but it has the potential to besomuch more.To me it feels like they had a lot of good ideas for the game andjustnot enough time to implement them. If they had been given another6months it could have been a great game.I also think that one of the reasons I have found so manypeopledissapointed is because KOTOR was such a good game that KOTOR IIhadsome high expectations to meet, unfortunatly it didn't quite makeit,if this game had of been the first one instead of the second Ithinkopinions would be different by far. :wink: :wink:

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