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Ola (er...Hello)

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Just Introducing myself as per my instructions, i dont want to give too much away yet 8) we can leave that for other posts. Anyhoo wanted to say hello from scotland and stuff ;) I basically started up this account because yes i'm a suck up and i want uber free hosting like most of the rest of you ;) i also want to learn the basics and the more advanced side of being a webmaster. I tried this ages ago when i had 56k dial up (dont laugh) okay laugh it up :cry: but then i went up to 256k and got things working pretty well learned a little but not a lot and put up a bare bone website unfortunately i decided to install SP2 :oops: which promptly decided to screw my system and stop all FTP access although it let me do just about everything else. I am aware that SP2 dosen't need to be like that and can be run smoothly on most systems without trouble...alas this is not my system.So i uninstalled SP2 yesterday and found out i can FTP again *woot* :twisted: so now you guys have to put up with me, actually i'm rather sorry about that. Also i have 750k now 8) ho yeah. Lets see, you can call me Cuthy for now, I'm 20 (21 this year weee!), I'm a guy...no really i am. I like lots of stuff :shock: but if you need to know ask. I aspire to rule the world (dont we all? except theres a chance with all you guys on board i can) but more on that later 8) .The Website i plan on producing will be a la Moi i.e. a personal site, ill try and curb the language to suit all but its not like anyone will check it...wait wait i'm getting a head of myself a little i need to be accepted first right? meh twill be a very merry site indeed. 5 posts then one a week eh? hope you're not too strict with that because i'm a very very very very lazy dude. ill tell you what if i miss one weeks posting ill post 2 the next :roll: hows that for compromising eh ;) Well one down 5-lifetime to go. *sighs* I'm no good at these things i ramble way too much.Later, Cuthy.

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Atleast you could curb the language in your sig. That will follow you around everywhere. I mean this is a family place. Well, if its not we like to be happy here and bad mouths like that should be put a stop to. I'm just saying is all maybe you should take away that vulgarity just to be friendly to all the people here and to basically get on with other people.

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Heh sorry aboot that eh :oops: , twas a quote and i diddnt give it a second glance. It's been curbed with stars but the intent is still there if that offends you or anyone else i'm sorry and shall remove it. Also i diddnt really want to post in here more than once but editing my post would just confuse matters more. If theres anything else just tell meh. Thanks for pointing it out before it got worse though :shock:

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