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msn beta

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MSN Bete its ok but they can do better like adding lots more function to MSN Spaces, Groups overall MSN Beta Gets a 7/10

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I like it alot. I use msn alot more than any thing else, well i take that back, i use Xfire more than anytihng else. But the beta is pretty nice. I like the new layout and design. I just cant wait till it comes out for real :D

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Its a multi-networked IM client, like GAIM. I think GAIM is a better one though.About beta: I dislike it because its slow ;) and also needs a patch to get rid of a lot of the junk included like this "free packs" stuff and balls like that.

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i like msn 7 it's good. but the big think is, about the background. each time that i want to change, it sends to the one that i chat with. plus when i change the color, it's only for when i log in and only for 1 day. i like the nudge think. it's like the buzz in yahoo. the winks are getting on my nerves now... like the one with the dancer...

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The handwriting thing is begining to bug me. Also the flash animation is to. There should really be a feature that allows you to turn it off. O well, at the end of the day, it's cheaper than a telephone call.

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The handwritten doesn'y work with my msn 7.0.Tried everything but can't get it running. Does any1 knows a solution ?? :evil:

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