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msn beta

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You can turn off nudge though by going to Tools- Options- Messages.Also, the handwrite feature is well good to write you own handwriting to people! ;)

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it's great!! the newest beta release even shows your contacts which song you're playing in Windows Media Player and shows a thumbnail of thier display picture in the contact list

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I've got it, it's still a bit buggy, but MSN know this. Looking forward to the release, the new features like nudge are really useful.Shame you still can't send folders over msn.Hate having to zip everything, especialy when its over a gig.Come on msn sort it out.

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i like MSN 7.0 beta new features are cool it is nice. There is a newer beta out also. I think you can transfer files from version 7.0 to 6.2 but the progress bar is not working. I think it gets full or it get's full when you finish the transfer. At least it works for me. :DP.S I registered my gmail too and i am set now :D

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I just can't wait until the beta ends... i used msn 7 some months ago but it was a little buggy... (my problem was coouldn't conect the webcam...)

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thansk god i don't have a webcam. but since there are new betas coming out u may wish to try them. I just went over to a friend with 6.2 and i couldn't stand seeing it. It's so difficult to go from smth better to worse.

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I've got it, it's still a bit buggy, but MSN know this.  Looking forward to the release, the new features like nudge are really useful.
Shame you still can't send folders over msn.

Hate having to zip everything, especialy when its over a gig.

Come on msn sort it out.

Well you could use WinRAR and put compression on "Store". That way it won't compress it at all, but will put it in a nice package (like a folder)

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I hate msn 7 soo bad, its take a life to load and take so much ram on pc compared to 6.2. I hope they' will make it faster.

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