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Viruses and Macs

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All too often I hear about how Macs have so few viruses and they're much safer than that. That is true. However, you must realize that that is conditionally true. Over 95% of the world's computer users (I believe) use Windows. That's a lot. That dosn't leave much room for all the Mac, Linux, Unix, etc. users. So which users would a virus programmer target? A few people, or most of the computer users? So they choose Windows as a target. So basically anyone who says Macs have less viruses than Windows are taking for granted the fact that Macs have a smaller userbase than Windows. If Apple were to release a great new operating system that made most of the world switch over to Macs, guess what - say hello to viruses for Macs.Yes, there are bugs in Windows that can be exploited, but c'mon - it's only Windows' popularity that makes them so visible. Every program has bugs. If you think that every program released should have no bugs, you're living in a fantasy land.So think about that the next time you say Macs have no viruses for them.

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yeah its the same way with internet explorer and firefox

Not really. There's a difference, in that FF is created by open-source programmers. This means that the people who would be hacking the browser are actually contributing to creating the browser more secure. Firefoz is more secure than IE, even taking into accout the targeting of viruses/worms/exploits.

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Well let's let the stupid people get hacked then. :roll: C'mon, Mac uses the tried-and-tested Darwin kernel, whereas windows uses QDOS - standing for Quick and Dirty Operating System - which Gates bought from IBM for a song and a dance and IBM wrote over the course of a weekend.

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As much as I hate Windows, I do have to respect it.The OS itself has to put up with a lot of crap, if you think about it. 95% of PC users use it, that's a lot of people, and a lot of different needs. Think about how many little, stupid, programs moronic teenagers make that have the crappiest coding known to man in the core? How easily one could mess up the system?Macs, on the other hand, have all their software straight from Mac themselves. On one hand, it's a great thing, known full compatibility. On the other hand, the stuff is freaking expensive!

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Yeah, you do have to give respect to Bill Gates although he buys smaller companies and pretty much owns the world.If it wasn't for him, and not making Windows it probably would have made a space time continum shift and all those great games for PC would have never been made.All hail Bill Gates, the owner of Earth and the owner of ourselves. He shall live forever in our hearts!

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yeah, if he wasn't doing it, someone else would have. and windows is pretty much standard, everything is written for it.

Dude, you have no idea how wrong you are. Look at this screenshot:

As you can see, there are approximately 32000 projects for Windoze. There are approximately 31000 projects for a POSIX OS (Unix, Linux, etc.). It's really close. Toss in the fact that only 5% of the world uses POSIZ OSs, and you'd be really wrong.

I realize that this is only for open source projects, and only the ones at this site, but It probably comes out to about 60% total for Windoze, and 40% for POSIX. This is by no means everything, as you said.

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