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What sup with my ftp connection?

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Right now, it seems like I can not connect onto my website thru ftp. This happens last night too. I wait late and it works. But around about this time it is not giving me connection. Is the host off and on???

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Are you using a FTP Program or useing the web-based ftp?

I am using Filezilla, a ftp program. Would Filezille be bad? Because it works on my simple lycos site for connection.

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This may seem a bit silly for me to jump in and say so but i was having trouble with any kind of FTP client for about a month or two and then fixed it by installing a winsock fix, a sp2 hotfix then removing SP2 and reinstalling many of the drivers that ended up becoming unstable due to SP2's removal, again this may not be your problem but you diddnt give specifics of the issues your having. oh btw i had ftp access while SP2 was installed for a few months too then all of a sudden something transpired that made my FTP connection go all screwy and something to do with the ARP cache too, read up on the internet about it and decided to see if it was indeed SP2 causing all the grief, apparently 9 times out of 10 it is although it could be something as simple as putting instead of // ... meh i dunno hope this helps if not sorry for jumping in 8) hope you get it fixed in any case.

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My problem is solved. It is that I add other DNS addresses as my optional ones. This is a mistake. Do not add any additonal DNS addresses than the first two.

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I?m using WS_FTP & i have no problem at all...even after i have installed SP2 on Windows XP ;) I have plans to install a new FTP program 8) but i don?t now wich one.

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