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Open Source Web Design - Home /^/


..is a community of designers and site owners sharing free web design templates as well as web design information. Helping to make the internet a prettier place!


17 designs posted this week,

1019 designs total!


CSS Play « Sea Mus N Squirrel


CSS Play is a collection of webpages that I have made that use Cascading Style Sheets to achieve some affect. Please be warned that not all pages work completely and some are just concepts. Some pages will not work in all web browsers; the best bet is to view them using a Gecko based web browser.

© 2003 Seamus P. H. Leahy

Pixels to Inches Conversion


When you are dealing with page layout and document formatting, you need to be able to convert pixels to inches and vice versa.

Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D.

CSS Sprites: Image Slicings Kiss of Death: A List Apart


were going to replace old-school image slicing and dicing (and the necessary JavaScript) with a CSS solution. And because of the way CSS works, were going to take it further: by building a grid of images and devising a way to get each individual cell out of the grid, we can store all buttons/navigation items/whatever we wish in a single master image file, along with the associated before and after link states.

By Dave Shea

Css Zen Garden: Burnt Offering


A demonstration of what can be accomplished visually through CSS-based design. Select any style sheet from the list to load it into this page.


(One of my personal favorites)


Ten CSS tricks you may not know : evolt.org, Code



Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)


The ten most egregious offenses against users. Web design disasters and HTML horrors are legion, though many usability atrocities are less common than they used to be.

By Jakob Nielsen https://www.nngroup.com/people/jakob-nielsen/


(More) CSS Shorthand


Today we'll cover the CSS Shorthand for font. (I know, this is pretty straightforward stuff. I'm just busy, yet still want to post something that might help someone. This is easy.)

By Tony Stephens


Style Web Forms Using CSS


Whether your main business is Web design or backend development, chances are you spend a fair amount of time creating forms for user input. So you already know that the default appearance of forms isnt always appropriate for the look and feel of your site.

By Rachel Andrew


Designing a CSS based template By Veerle


This is the start of a step-by-step based tutorial about how to create a CSS based template page.

By Veerle

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Just figured I'd make it a bit more readable. Now with summaries and bold titles. As I've said, feel free to contribute any of your own. (These are from my bookmark collection, if you don't have one, start one.)

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