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usefull for mIRC

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some stuff I wrote...


basic $chan prots :


on *:text:*:#: {set %t $0var %i 1var %txt $1-if (%t > 100) {; number 100 is number of max words per line, it can be edited.kick $chan $nick Max words per line in this chan is 100 ,you had %t words...}if ($len($1-) > 500) {; number 500 is number of max characters per line, adjust it to suit you.kick $chan $nick Max length per line in this chan is 500 characters,you had $len($1-) characters...}while (%i <= %t) {if (#* iswm $gettok(%txt,%i,32)) && ($len($gettok(%txt,%i,32)) >= 2) {kick $chan $nick No channel advertising -[ $+ $gettok(%txt,%i,32) $+ ]-; Here it says what word was detected as channel name.}inc %i}}

mass modes :


alias modes {if ($me isop $chan) {var %num = $nick(#,0)var %i 1while (%i <= %num) {var %tmpnick = $nick(#,%i)if (%tmpnick != $me) {var %tnk %vnikzvar %vnikz %tmpnick %tnk}inc %i}if ($1 == $null) {echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ [Modes] You must enter which mode to be used. (supported +/- vohb) -[ ch1zra@gmail.com ]-}if (+v isin $1-) {mode # + $+ $str(v,$calc(%num - 1)) %vnikz}if (-v isin $1-) {mode # - $+ $str(v,$calc(%num - 1)) %vnikz}if (+o isin $1-) {mode # + $+ $str(o,$calc(%num - 1)) %vnikz}if (-o isin $1-) {mode # - $+ $str(o,$calc(%num - 1)) %vnikz}if (+h isin $1-) {mode # + $+ $str(h,$calc(%num - 1)) %vnikz}if (-h isin $1-) {mode # - $+ $str(h,$calc(%num - 1)) %vnikz}if (+b isin $1-) {mode # + $+ $str(b,$calc(%num - 1)) %vnikz}if (-b isin $1-) {mode # - $+ $str(b,$calc(%num - 1)) %vnikz}}}

simplest away system :


on *:input:*: {if (/away isin $1) {if ($2- == $null) {nick %awnickame is back from : 4 $+ %awr}else {set %awr $2-set %awnick $menick $me $+ [AwaY] ; you can edit away tag as you wishame is away. Reason : 4 $+ %awr}}}

usage : /away reason - to go away..

/away - with no reason to get back..



titlebar text animator :


alias tbar {write -c titlebar.animvar %tbr $1-if (%tbr == $null) {echo -a  $+ $color(info) $+ No titlebar text was entered, animating active titlebar text...var %tbr $titlebar}var %ctr 1var %len $len(%tbr)while (%ctr <= %len) {write titlebar.anim titlebar $right(%tbr,%ctr)inc %ctr}while (%ctr >= 0) {write titlebar.anim titlebar $right(%tbr,%ctr)dec %ctr}while (%ctr <= %len) {write titlebar.anim titlebar $left(%tbr,%ctr)inc %ctr}set %timer.pause 400;pause between scrolls for timerset %tmr $calc($lines(titlebar.anim) * 30 + %timer.pause).timer -m 0 %tmr .play -cs titlebar.anim 30}on *:start: {.timer -m 0 %tmr .play -cs titlebar.anim 30}

usage /tbar text you want to be displayed

if no text is provided, it will animate current titlebar text.


Ban protection :


on *:ban:#*: {  if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) && ($me isop $chan) {    mode $chan -b $banmask    kick $chan $nick No ban $me $+ , $me angry... ( $+ %bkz $+ )    inc %bkz  }}

destroy the auto thanx for voice ;) :


on *:VOICE:#:{   if ($nick == $me) {    set -u5 %autothnx 1  }}on *:text:*:#: {   if (%autothnx) &&  ($me isin $1-) {    notice $nick Turn autothanx off     mode $chan -v $nick  }}on *:action:*:#: {   if (%autothnx) &&  ($me isin $1-) {    notice $nick Turn autothanx off     mode $chan -v $nick  }}

;) have phUn

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