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Gorgeous Gradients

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Gorgeous Gradients

Photoshop's gradient fill tool allows you to produce all sorts of effects, from subtle shading to wacky psychedelia. We're going to show you how to use the gradient tool, make your own gradients, create 3d-like objects using gradient shading, and other fun-filled (haha!) stuff.


Fun-FILLED. Geddit? Oh, why do we bother...


Using the linear gradient tool

The linear gradient tool is the shaded rectangle icon, just below the text tool ( Posted Image ). The Tools palette will change to show the Gradient Tool Options:



Posted Image


Let's run through the features of this tool. The Normal drop-down box allows you to select a blending mode for your gradient; the default, Normal, replaces whatever was underneath with the new gradient, but try playing with different options for different effects. The Opacity slider determines how much of the original image will show through the gradient after it is applied.


The Gradient box contains a list of 16 preset gradients, and you can add your own gradients to the list.


Mask controls whether the transparency mask for the gradient will be used. Some gradients are partially transparent (e.g. the Transparent Rainbow and Transparent Stripes presets), but deselecting Mask will make those gradients completely opaque.


Dither creates a smoother gradient effect by dithering the gradient to reduce colour banding (noticeable on big images with low colour depths).


Reverse swaps round the start and end colours of the gradient. This isn't reflected in the gradient in the dialog, but it takes effect when you actually apply the gradient.


Filling with a gradient

So how do you actually use a gradient? Simple. After selecting your options from the palette above, simply drag in a document window to mark the start and end points of your gradient. When you release the mouse button, the gradient will be drawn onto the current layer:


Posted ImagePosted Image


Here we used the Transparent Rainbow gradient, which means that the edges of the gradient are transparent. If you use most of the other gradients, you will notice that they fill the whole layer. You can prevent this by making a selection first; then the gradient will only fill the selection.


Making a new gradient

Let's create a new gradient. Click on the Edit... button in the Gradient Tool Options palette to bring up the Gradient Editor. From the list at the top select the Red, Green gradient:


Posted Image


Let's make a copy of this gradient and modify it to include the colour blue as well. Select Duplicate and enter "Red, Green, Blue" in the Gradient Name box.


See the green square, just below the red/green gradient strip, on the right? It has a triangle above it, pointing up towards the gradient strip. Drag this square to the centre of the strip - the triangle turns black to show that this colour is being edited:


Posted Image


Now click below the strip on the right hand side, where the green square was before you dragged it. Another green square appears! You can have up to 32 of these colour stops on the strip. The gradient will move smoothly from one colour stop to the next.


Drag this new square to the right until the Location box below it says 100%. Then click on the green rectangle to the right of Location and pick a blue colour (e.g. R=0, G=0, B=255).


Posted Image


Congratulations! You've made a new gradient. Try playing with the other settings in the Gradient Editor. The F and B buttons turn the current colour stop into the Foreground or Background colour. This means that the gradients will depend on the user's current colour settings. Also, the diamonds above the colour strip mark the midpoints between pairs of colour stops. You can drag these midpoints around to ease in or ease out the gradient flow between the stops.


Finally, as we mentioned previously, you can make parts of the gradient transparent. Click on the Transparency radio button next to Adjust: to modify the transparency settings. Here you have colour stops exactly as before, but each stop has an opacity rather than a colour. This way you can make gradients of transparency which allow parts of the original image to show through.

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