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8 javascripts are usefull

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1.No right click

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function click() { if (event.button==2) { alert('DO NOT STEAL!'); } } document.onmousedown=click // --> </script>
2.Open popup when the web loads:

<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- window.open('http://media.vdc.com.vn'); // --> </SCRIPT>
3.Open popunder

<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- Hide script in old browsersif(navigator.appName.indexOf("WebTV")==-1) { myWin = open('', 'winin','toolbar=0,menubar=0, scrollbars=1,status=0,resizable=1,width=80,height=  430'); myWin.blur(); myWin.location = 'http://internet.vdc.com.vn'; var shut=true; } // End--> </script>
4.Automically add bookmark

<a href="javascript:window.external.AddFavorite('http://internet.vdc .com.vn/', 'My Site Title');">Bookmark this Site!</a>

<a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Go Back</a> Forward: <a href="javascript:history.forward(1)">Go Forward</a> Refresh: <a href="javascript:location.reload(1)">Refresh</a>
6.Print the page

<a href="javascript:window.print()">Print This Page</a>

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!--- hide script in old browsers function jumpBox(list) {location.href = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value} //end---> </SCRIPT> <FORM> <SELECT> <OPTION selected>------------------- <OPTION VALUE="firstpage.html">One <OPTION VALUE="secondpage.html">Two </SELECT> <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Go" onClick="jumpBox(this.form.elements[0])"> </FORM>
8.Use this, you'll like:

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> MouseOver("firstimage.gif","secondimage.gif", "width=100 height=30 border=0 alt='Click Here'", "yourpage.html"); </SCRIPT>

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Number 4 will only work in IE.Numbers 2&3 will most likely be blocked by the Mozilla Popup blocker in Mozilla.Number 8 won't work because MouseOver is not a built-in function. You'll have to define it yourself.And thank you for putting the code into code tags! :lol:

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