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Just wondering how do people here become mods?

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There's also some luck- at least for me. I've been waiting for the "mod's needed thread" for awhile, but each time its happened, I've been gone. Hmm...

So the admins do request those who want to be mods can apply or something like that???

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The admins run the forums, and control all accounts. admin himself takes care of the finances also. Yes they can promote/demote people.

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The true question is.. why the ambition to become a Moderator, if you can be "only" a helpfull member.. I am a member (and yes, moderator) of a forum and i don't see what's the thrill in it... u actually only get a lot more work ans a lot less fun (when u have 80 000 members pm'ing anyone with a different colour on the online list.. it get's a little exausting... even when u try to ignore the spam...). Dont think it would be very different in any other forumAnd just being a helpfull/active member gets you there.. (so be carefull with it :twisted: )

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a moderator for me is not about how you post but on how you really know the system, i'm an IT system analyst, but the basis is not who you are. Having those low post i consider myself qualified not just for posting you will be given a chance to be a moderator, trying to be fit is not posting but being capable of. Well im just expressing, sorry.., i just want someday being a moderator here in this nice site ty and had a nice day everyone ;)

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We have one mod postion open, if you would like it please send me ?500 or $700 to me via paypal - ThanksBut seriously, before I'm swamped by PM's, admin will let everyone know when positions open up. At the moment I think we're fine, we have a very strong team and I proud to be one of them - LONG LIVE FNH

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We have one mod postion open, if you would like it please send me ?500 or $700 to me via paypal - Thanks


But seriously, before I'm swamped by PM's, admin will let everyone know when positions open up.  At the moment I think we're fine, we have a very strong team and I proud to be one of them - LONG LIVE FNH

I think we need an admin who lives in another GMT so he could deal with spammers etc.


The how did i become moderator -> acount creator


1 word: connections...


i was moderator with another Free hosting provider, and "Nasway" and "FNH" had become 1 big free hosting provider... but when i joined FNH, they didn't need more mods, but i was on top of the list :wink:



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I think we need an admin who lives in another GMT so he could deal with spammers etc.  

I'll second that, maybe someone thats always online like Little_OnE or Hazza

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We have one mod postion open, if you would like it please send me Ł500 or $700 to me via paypal - Thanks
But seriously, before I'm swamped by PM's, admin will let everyone know when positions open up.  At the moment I think we're fine, we have a very strong team and I proud to be one of them - LONG LIVE FNH

OMG That's a lot of money $$$ ;)

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