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anime characters

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Hi,is anyone here able to draw anime characters? I need two different ones for a logo I am making, and I cannot seem to get it right. I need one sitting perhaps to the side(with legs hanging off of the side), as I am going to have it sitting on top of the text. And the other one to be standing next to the text. Doesn't matter what they look like, or if they are boy or girl. I am going to have one holding a few dvd discs, and the other holding a video game controller. I am making a logo for a friend who has a video store. Please help!Thanks!

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Well you truly are talented! I love it, thanks so much!!!



if you clean up the top thing above the forum, like not line everyting out on the right as it is now, ok one thing is in the middle , but i mean make it more compact and fix this :arrow: danasoft.com/sig/LadyBugLLDesigns.jpg 
and make the background blue a bit less eyehurting 8) , it can be an ok site. also dont get so upset. building critizism is a good thing. use it!!
especially if you wanna sell something online it has to look proffesional, and this is far from that.
full time mom of three and wife here too ,so thats no excuse at all!


Well I was saying I don't WANT to spend my time 24/7 on the computer, and this business crap of mine is just a hobby, so I really don't care like you all do. I spend time with my baby more than the computer. I know that img is messed up, I was putting it on last night, and I forgot about it, and then it was late, and I didn't care...LOL haven't had a chance since then...and probably won't til later. So do you have a site MOO? If mine is so unprofessional, can I see yours? I don't really care if it is still unprofessional looking, as it is a constant slow work in progress, like I said before I don't have alot of time to work on it.
You know if you read my post from earlier today, you would have read that I said I didn't realize this was a critizing thread before I posted until just now, so i apoligized for getting ticked, but then you come along and make it worse. I really did not care for the phrase full time mom of three and wife here too ,so thats no excuse at all!"
:roll:what a twit links....duh, I'm not an idiot. Usually people who point out others flaws so mercilessly do not have an self confidence of their own. Oh and by the way I think I will trash that icon you made for me. I thought you were a nice person, didn't know you were this way. How old are your kids by the way? Mine is 21 months old....HANDS FULL, HANDS ON...computer comes dead last, as well as websites...my husband has a GOOD job, so if I don't sell something off of my "hobby" website, I don't think I'll get really tore up about it. Sorry to pop your bubble on that one...looks like someone needs to take some time off of the computer and work on their people skills, and playing nice with others. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Most of your post could be taken fine by me, but the thing that got me so steamed at you MOO is that ending sentence in your post....that was just none of your business, as you do not know how hectic my life may be, and you had no right to make such a statement to anyone you do not know...and the eyeroll just made it even more certain that you were just being flat out mean....geez :roll: ;)

and thats why , just go read the whole thing. she cannot take any critisizm from any one,and i was being nice, givin some building critizism .

and i am still waiting for her to react, since she asked me to show my stuff and i did , but since then she ignores me. so yeaah i can draw what she wants but , i am not goin to..............

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