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Successfully promoting your web site

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I am wondering how others advertise their web sites. I know about pay-per-click, reciprocal linking, ffa links, directories, forums, message boards, adding to the top search engines, etc. How do you market your site? Do you do anything off-line such as paper ads, brochures, leaflets, classifieds, signs, banners, or radio ads? Which promotion software do you recommend? Has anyone ever used Dynamic Submission, Page Promoter, Internet Business Promoter, Exploit Submission Wizard, SubmitWolf, TrafficSeeker or the many others out there?

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I have no idea about this stuff. Try the subliminal way. Go to a mall and spray-paint your address on a wall with a very short and catchy phrase.

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LOL. Subliminal is one I haven't tried yet. But seriously though, how DO you get your site listed on the popular search engines? I've always wondered. Or is it just automatic according to the meta tags you add to your html codes?

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I used, two programs.It:"AddWeb Website Promoter Pro", and "Page Promoter".Really, successfully!It is possible to try still, "Pro-surfer Rotator".Successes! :lol:

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I heard that google will automatically list you if your index page gets updated regularly, you can use search engine submitters too, but google is one of the best s far as I'm concerned. You can submit your site for free.

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Many crappy submissions ask you to register and then they use your email to send spams. Apart from submitting to search engine you have to make your site optimised for search engine.

Submit to Google


Submit to Yahoo


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Submit your site yourself directly but don?t over do it because then they will black-list your site, Google is particularly picky about this.Just submit your root address and their spiders will crawl the rest of the site, Yahoo aln Altavista share listings and your site will appear in a couple of days, Google might take longer IF they decide to list you at allTake Care :wink:

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