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Here, its translated to "O Grito" (The Shout)...So.. i think this movie is VERY VERY good, specially the end...What do u think about this movie?

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whole film is quite interesting but can't believe it had a stupid end like that ... however, u should watch it, good film as well :mrgreen:

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Now this was an awesome movie. I had rather mixed feelings on the ending, though. While I was like "NO WAY!", I still had thoughts like: "duh.... why else would that guy be there" and what not. It was weird, cause it was like a total surprise, yet totally obvious for me.

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I'm a big time horror freak, and I must say it takes quite a lot to impress me as far as this stuff goes and...Saw was certainly above average, but not anything amaing. I still believe The Ring to be the superior horror film, but saw did have its good charicteristics. imo, it seems that what a lot "Saw" had going for it was its touch with reality, which it never lost. Never did it really slip into the realm of supernatural, which many horror movies commonly do when they lose control of the plot (see feardotcom) But overall, the movie was impressive, with genuine acting from all around, worth my money for the DVD.TZK

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I can ALWAYS tell what the major plot twists in movies and the ending is going to be. This one took me TOTALLY by surprise. I like being surprised by unpredictable films. The only other film with this shocking and unpredictable of a reveal that I have ever seen is Memento.As far as the quality of the film, It is an above average film for wide release, average for an indie film.

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One of the best horror movies I "SAW" in a long time. Then ending was crazy, and then you find out he didnt have to do it!! I dont want to tell you too much, just rent it and get a bowl of popcorn and turn down the lights and enjoy!!

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Looks like a freaky movie. Ive heard mixed things though. Some people ive talked to say its good, some people say its bad.

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