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How many times have you been robed?

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Did you get them sent to jail?

Yep..they went away for 6 months only! Bastards! :evil:

!! That is absurd - 6 months, for a stab to the stomach. It should be at least 2 years

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Our vechiel has been robbed a few times, and....1 time this black dude did not go to court on Child Rape Charges, and the cops came after him and he ran into our house and held us there for about an hour or so.If I REALLY wanted to type for a long time, and if I really knew ppl wanted to hear the hold story I might would post it, but it's pretty freaken long to type out LOL. So sorry I'mnot going to type it all out just for you :D 8) :lol::D:lol: :!: :mrgreen:

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i've never been robbed , neither has my abode (house for normal people like me and you) ......... although stuff does seem to miracusly disappear from time to time....

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everytime i ot robbed nobody was sent to jail . sadly. you had a basebal bat and a knife next to your bed? lol, just buy a sword its what $500 USD? But it will save you another laptop.

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